Jacuzzi Jeff

I love his forced, intentionally proper pronunciations. They come off like a neurosis you only hear from English majors and pretentious theater/writing people. It's his furious rejection of his family personified into highly specific diction. I love this show.

Wait for the season finale of your life to realise you've been there the whole time.

LumberCon. Shares a hall with FlapjackFest and Gathering of the Beavers.

I went as Doc Shades from Chris Elliot's Eagleheart on Adult Swim and at least ten people came up to take pictures with me. Love obscure yet memorable character costumes.

No, Senator Dikachu lives on K Street.

Must be secretly owned by Univision. Bunch of Bad Hombres.

Grab you by the sombrero.

There was arguing on Scream Queens about who was going as Ivanka Trump and I realized that's going to be a big hit among the wealthy and sorority set. I have a bald cap and hunchback pad so I can go as either riff raff from Rocky Horror or Bernie Sanders. Bernie would be fun to stay in character

I've now just realized that there must be overly sexual Disney princess costumes. Nothing is impossible to ruin on halloween. It's like when you have sex with someone then realize they have a Harry Potter, Disney or children's book tattoo and it completely desexualizes everything about that moment. Nothing is sexy

It's just become a new staple among the steps to womanhood. Take pictures of gates, flowers and your feet in a photography phase; discover Tori Amos; dye a streak of your hair a crazy color one summer; date a bad boy who smokes outside of youth church; and now dress like a very sexual, yet safe, bad girl from a

I liked you better when you wrote, directed and starred on In The Heights

I had a friend just start the show and say Edgar was his favorite character. After the speakeasy episode I may agree yet that same episode had Paul in a train conductor cap explaining LA's old system lines so it's a tie.

His pronunciation of "reservoir" was amazing. He can live in LA's most hipster neighborhood with a view of the water and yet he asks if it's some sort of washing area for the destitute.

He would have a great explanation of the etymology of the term "provincial"

I met a gorgeous girl out one night to realize her boyfriend was in the dark bedroom. Still haven't got over it. Not cool. Never be the creeper in the corner chair

Agreed. All good intentions turn to degridation

Tumblr is for kids, fanfic, gifs and amateur style experts. Quit being the person who can't find porn on its designated cyber back-alley!

Sorry, Killian asking for food with the term "Mister…" was worse than the cuckold.

Gretchen is the star of the show. Everyone else is entertaining and pushing the narrative. Gretchen has the floor.
How awesome was her defense of her mom along with terrifying tennis stories.

It needed Jason Matzoukas's mean criticisms of June Diane Raphael like How Did This Get Made?