Jacuzzi Jeff

Just watch his Late Show pilot and you see a comic looking at his own Dorian Gray portrait with a pinch of self aware irony.

Imagine a Killian and Paul lost in the woods/desert/at-sea episode. That would be great to flesh out all their own buried demons.

Paul really needs his own episode. He's the best character. The only honest person in the show with Edgar being a close second.

His son was awful and got away with everything, including bullying and saying whatever he wanted to teachers. But that's southern/Midwestern football. His dad made more for UofL than any school in one year

When the lacrosse team started winning more state championships than football they started to turn their heads. Forget all them soccer shenanigans winning competitions out of state. Losers with little shorts and no hands to grab a ball like a real man.

Brother Hugo Hammer was a real person so no irony. Most badass name for a guy who looked like the old man from Pixar's UP!

Going to an all guys Catholic school where the football captain was elected every year, I'd love to see a movie where you see how many crazy things a man can say or do before you forget he's your designated candidate. I was actually told by the priest I would never be president because I wasn't what they were looking

I met Dr John through a radio job and he seemed like at his age and life choices you could easily convince him he was a comic book sorcerer. I'd love to see a wizard fight evil to squeezeboxes and electric pianos. That's a doctor I could follow.

Good to see Dream Theater is getting some work in Hollywood.

I'm aroused by Henry Winkler's high heels in The Waterboy but that's my burden.

Well, I admit Greektown had its own problems outside UIC, including ouzo that may have been flavored rubbing alcohol, but Underground Injections sound downright preposterous!

Imagine the moon from Zelda: Majora's Mask is an orange, Trump-like angry face with pursed lips literally sucking up the world. That's what I dream of.

You sound like their imaginary mother. She went to Smith and never lets me forget about her experience there I can't understand going to UIC.

The "French Mistake"?

I think I'd rather the actual Trump hosts the rest of the season than see Bruno Mars ever again on the show. His schtick is awful.

Is Molly Shannon's character still married to her emotionally abusive husband?

I always love hearing stories about how everyone was bit by and hated the dog.

God I loved Falcon. If Jon Hamm and Christopher Meloni made a series just about their relationship I'd make it my life's work to campaign for Emmy recognition.

One of my imaginary children doesn't call anymore. The other resents me for not paying for Vassar to study experimental theater. It's been rough

I'd love this show so much more if one of the visitors was Norm Macdonald questioning all of the hosts' motives. "Treasure you say, well that reminds me of a good man named Terrence Terrington from Yellowknife. Good ol' Terry…" and he'd break the robots with an extremely long joke with a ridiculous punchline.