Jacuzzi Jeff

A few highlights of seeing Morrissey a few years back was that he threw his shirt into the crowd not once but three separate times and went backstage to get another. He dramatically wept during the slaughterhouse footage played during Meat Is Murder. And best of all the stage security guys booted several skinny

Supernatural season 40

The Community Good Will Hunting episode was pretty funny. Ben Affleck's character was great too "yeah, this guy's wicked smart but he ain't no fag or Philadelphia queer! What'd you say about my sister!?"


I leave dusty forgotten skulls on a shelf for $97 per hour. No demon rape or child ghost hauntings required! After earning $8752 in a week I bought a possessed Camaro that drives itself consistently to an abandoned mine in the Black Hills. It's the most rewarding experience of my life. I've never spoken in tongues

House of Pies?

Togetherness getting cancelled was like finding out the family dog died months ago. No proper goodbye or thing to do about it. The Looking movie was nice to give the stories a decent departure.

I was never a Jackson Browne fan but loved the dressing room acoustic song about the Hammond Radio. What's that song called?

Being the A.V. Club I'm extremely surprised the pic wasn't from Scott Pilgrim. A story entirely about sarcasm and nostalgia for music and movies! It's basically the under 40 High Fidelity!

Effects are what made and then killed U2 like My Morning Jacket. It's like the kids' book If You Give A Mouse A Cookie (they're going to want a glass of milk). If you give a reverb band a great review, they're going to add six more pedals and a concept album.

Like The Edge of vocals. Gotta sound like a megaphone down a really long hallway.

Nashville aka Cashville, Cash City, Nashkill, Nasty Nash, etc.. Never heard The 'Ville before

Agreed. Wish they stayed a low-fi band

"And I say 'Oh no sir, that Greedo shot first!'"

Despite all the detention I had as a kid for bringing my Lambda Class T-4a, Slave One and figure of IG-88 to school everyday to reenact the novels (not films mind you), only now have I ever thought of Chewbacca's genitalia.

Will admit Tennessee Fire was an amazing album. After that was a let down for so much promise

The only episode I saw was the finale and holy smokes if that wasn't a ridiculous amount of guest stars. Someone needs to stop letting Jim James be on everything. I went to high school with him and even saw his master class at Berklee School of Music and all I got out of that time was you gotta sing like Kermit the

Imagine the Chewbacca version of the Buffalo Bill home video dancing to Goodbye Horses.

I generally crack it with a slight lean like I'm looking over someone's shoulder or adjusting my posture. When it's an airplane taking off or a loud part of the subway, ripping as hard as possible is a very fun experience.

This is the new mission of Booster Gold