Jacuzzi Jeff

His stumbling yet morally confident speech hid the over the top posh debauchery we know was behind those stupid fake glasses.

Can anyone get excited like we did fifteen years ago when we heard Tim Kasher yell, "This is the latest from Saddle Creek!" every few months?

Hot damn. True southern man! I hope you enjoyed the awful and hilarious atmosphere without women where teachers could be crude and jokes were very dark and biting. Hated it for the lack of girls yet loved it for the abandon of filter. It was the palace of bickering little princes and shit spewing bastards.

I'll just buy the H&M $20 knockoff

I like being JacuzziJeff here but I have a ridiculous historical name where people question if it's real and my sister is named for a founder of our home state and my brother is Baxter (not southern but not common). There were two Zelda's in my middle school class before I went to one of two Catholic all-boy schools

This made me laugh at an awkward dinner thinking of differently costumed Arbuckles all on pills and alcohol going insane.

I will now

American Horror Story: Pleasant Neighborhood In Tempe, Arizona (Behind Whole Foods)

If you grew up in the south you'd hear lots of these names that sound like characters from southern gothic novels or the titles of creepy portraits in a plantation attic. The people who romanticize everything about the south haven't been to a spooky town with abandoned plantations and hopeless residents worse than any

I find it weird they call it the Golden Age of Television when everything keeps getting better like it'll stop one day soon. Comedies like Love and You're The Worst; HBO dramas like Togetherness, Looking and The Night Of; plus Netflix keeping things like The Killing alive are pretty out there compared to super popular

I'll take mental illness and corrupt southern vigilantes over tits and dragons any day. I'm going to miss this show so much.

I worked at a little rich persons' gas station market with stupid things like bone broth, kombucha and lattes while you pumped gas (no hot dogs, malt liquor, lotto or novelty shirts mind you!) and we had all these ghost pepper products people pranked each other with daily. It got really old after like day 100 of guys

I moved in with a guy on Craigslist who seemed normal til I found that the basement he kept private was a sex dungeon he'd do drugs with his girlfriend in. One night he came upstairs naked except for a gas mask and took my expired milk because he had done just what you described and used it to stop her burning. That

In all fairness, Fatty Arbuckle on a bender was more destructive than any of these characters

Immediately thinking of a terrifying, "That'll do, pig. That'll do…" with the barn door creaking shut behind him.

Freshman year of college I got second place in a wing eating contest. My girlfriend looked horrified afterward. There are only losers in wing competitions.

They're on tour. I've exhausted my Live at Aligre FM cd recently so this is good news. The solo stuff is good but nothing compared to BSS. I loved Forgiveness Rock Record

Never be ashamed of loving BSS. Just be ashamed of explaining to other people you love a jam band but it's not like a "jam" band. It's like if Nels Cline, M83 and Cat Power played distorted Belle and Sebastian covers, ah fuck it I can't explain.

Broken Social Scene and Canning's solo stuff are my favorite bands yet I feel obnoxious telling people that my favorite band is like 20 Canadians playing completely different genres every record.

Cue Jon Hamm crying to the M.A.S.H. theme