Jacuzzi Jeff

I imagine he's the character actor from Queens who loves the Mets more than JUSTICE

Are Rollercoasters involved? Otherwise I'm out

Good Bloomin' Onion!!!

There's a Greek diner near Columbia College I used to eat at almost daily where you'd run into Roger Ebert and whoever was working at the Chicago Theater. The owner told me he hadn't changed the grease in decades. I hope that historical grease is protected. I saw Conan and Andy Richter there during their Chicago

I was thinking the devil-may-care IROC suicide bit singing Mötley Crüe. I'm also enamored by your profile pic and it's irony of "IGNORE ME!" Probably one of my favorite VB bits

West Virginia will always have my heart for two reasons:
1. My cute college cheerleader neighbor told me a horror story where there was one black man in her town "and everyone knows where he lives" with a smile
2. From my place in Kentucky the WV town across the river was Nitro, WV, easily the most badass name for a

"My heart's like an open book
For the whole world to read"
Kills me everytime with the gathering of Jacuzzi Jeff and the Hot Tub Society

Not if you played post hardcore. Never leave the Goodwill size small section to show how malnourished you are. Never pay more than 30 cents a can of beer and heat in your apartment is a luxury for rich people. You have coats and sweaters. Forget your parents who live in town and offer to help or your liberal arts

Driving an IROC Z28 backwards 80mph on the wrong side of the highway crying to Home Sweet Home will land ya a couple days in the clink

I went to a show recently and decided to repurpose my band shirts when all the guys I saw wore size small shirts from the 90s and early 2000s on grown out bodies that no longer lived on coffee and cigarettes from their teens. Those guys do not want to give up their teens with kids and a 401k

Rhythm AND Blues!?

Dear God on Beecher Street in Washington, this just changed my whole week. This will be drowning out all the kids yelling at me for being the old guy riding bowls at the skatepark listening to Gray Matter's Take It Back.

The show would be much cooler if it was prisoner transport. I had a time where I was locked up because I fit a description including my car which got me in county for a weekend waiting for a lawyer. The prisoner transport played DMX's Party Up on the radio and all the prisoners, including me, sang the lyrics.

is he in Mr Robot or does Elliot think he's in Mr Robot?

Let a man dream dammit

Lol just assume all of them. Hopefully this a curiosity thing and not a sexual thing. I think they're all crazy and dirty. Apparently that first season of UnReal was pretty accurate with crazies and puppet master producers.

Used to be Watch Ashley Banfield Discuss Court Cases For Hours TV

I have to admit I definitely watched live in the courtroom as a kid because it married two loves: courtroom action and the love of my puberty -Ashley Banfield. She is so wasted now as an anchor. Banfield was the Megyn Kelly of my middle and high school journalism days I didn't watch on mute.

They automatic no-no's are child abuse and sex offender but a lot of the other convictions are choosing the lesser of evils. She works at a movie studio for contracts now but I miss the days of hearing about investigating cast members.

I wish his desk had a keyboard and he sing talked to Elliot about losing your mind being a beautiful thing.