Jacuzzi Jeff

God, I hate Shutter Island with a passion. I thought it was pretty obvious what was going on within minutes and dragged on. So many of my friends that love movies and think highly of themselves love it and it's a painful watch for me. Sadly I think Mr Robot's got the story and huge length of storytelling time to beat

When I briefly worked at a Goodwill in high school, there was a mentally handicapped girl who'd come in with her mom and take all the VHS tapes on the bottom shelf and build it into a tall castle like structure before buying them. If you interrupted her that 14 year old ball of rage would attack while her horrified

I love the snow globe idea. I don't think Ray's a hallucination. I think it's possible everyone in the hospital is real but Elliot doesn't see a hospital. The bars of the fence around the basketball court seem framed really precisely to look like they're caged in. It's just hinting way too hard at something. Plus his

That possibility was he got the drugs at the fenced in basketball court in a makeshift baggie where a patient could have been cheeking their meds. Plus his institution like mom relationship, the wierd house layout where he and Gideon meet across a long table and his sparse bedroom with the journaling. Plus Ray always

His Garry Marshall alternate my favorite PFT character with Herzog as a close second. Plus it was Gillian Jacobs strongest bit on CBB. The wedding and Alan Thicke bits killed me. The weight of telling Alan to "Call me Mr Marshall" was hilarious yet powerful

I gotta share my sister used to work for NBC Universal's legal department vetting reality candidates and more than one Friday Night Tykes teams had employed a registered sex offender who couldn't work on the show. Plus so many of those people on Bravo and E! shows have criminal backgrounds and sex tapes. She called me

Classic tale of socialite moves to LA gets really into blacking out on Xanax at over hyped clubs then decides to make a soundtrack for that mental experience. I can't understand most of what she's saying because she's got the whole pilled out breathy thing going on that rich party girls think sounds both normal and

I always hoped Ian McShane would have something really clever to say about Jeffrey Jones

Good call. I guess it's up to Tompkins because James Adomian was very vocal about his interaction with Howzer and how his death made him much more "real" to him. I doubt Tompkins ever had that connection to Marshall. I wish the fates had taken Cake Boss instead.

Is anyone ever really dead on CBB? Especially a Paul F Tompkins character. He can always return to Suicide House for Halloween

Did not want to see this on my Garry Marshall Google alerts. Just before his 9/11 film Freedom Day.

One hell of a sex party coming up

Alan Thicke is relieved.

But he wore polos and studied macroeconomics!!!

There were cool 70s pirates and Aerosmith dandies. I prefer Johnny Thunders and 60s novelty bands over the secret lizard woman that took Steven Tyler's place.

Don't you dare tempt us about Kid Detectives. Only if the movie takes place at the White House or in Alaska. Plus the replicas have a convoluted parental back story. Middleditch's character could also be phoned in as the country of China.

Until Aerosmith has a high profile divorce we'll miss the Bad Boys From Boston that dress like androgynous pirates that are really fond of scarves. Y'know, the South Boston look.

Just tell that to KISS…oh wait

I think I saw that on the internet once and my mom walked in so I couldn't finish the end of the video

Haha there was that Taylor Lautner thriller that was literally a tourism video for Pittsburg and so many f'ing bridges and car chases. From living and driving everyday in downtown Chicago that sounds like a traffic and winter nightmare.