Jacuzzi Jeff

That reminds me of when they did Faceplace searches and later a Geocaching episode. Oh man and the Is Anyone Up hidden camera porn. I urge you to try an SVU drinking game Belzer makes a conspiracy theory, Tutuola calls something disgusting with too many syllables,. Stabler loses it in interrogation and Olivia speaks

Your Mr Robot viewing parties must get very interesting, very fast.

The Vanderpump Rules was a good choice for one vain, manipulative, elitist narcissist to find pleasure in watching another. I could see Kris Jenner being incredibly entertaining to her as well.

Followed by a power dump

I heard the new owner was a great big fat person

The most bridges in a metropolitan American area! Now that's something!
Pittsburgh: "And you hated Philly fans!"

The evil corporate interest in the movie is Ashley Schaeffer BMW

Pauly Shore stares at the Weaselphone

Can the people get a Booster Gold movie? I'll take Matt Damon for that.

My Netflix at one point knew me better than my family and recommended 60s French Films With A Strong Female Lead, Korean Revenge Films and Surreal Foreign Films. Then I got a roid raging roommate and it became movies glorifying war, drinking hijinks college movies and Blue Mountain State. It made me hate opening

The box office smash this summer is watching trains come at you at the cinema. It felt like I was really there I tell you. It was madness!

Well that city's joggers got a lucky break today.

I worked in a comedy club for years and it's sad how so many "greats" do the same tired bits for years and people who see maybe one show in their life lose their minds over it. Worst human sack of excrement: Frank Caliendo does his act for everyone he can until it's time to talk to staff and he's a boring prick. Craig

He goes full out doing both Sr and Jr!

I miss living next to the L stop in Wicker Park with the artist who paints those portraits in the window. It was Oprah during my time. If there wasnt enough Oprah already in Chicago.

I listen to that soundtrack on my work breaks since I saw that movie. Everyone I ask if they've seen it says they thought the trailer looked stupid. I think the trailer did hurt it financially. I get genuinely like the So Humble track.