
That jump must have been fast due to the BALLS OF STEEL possessed by the D-Day vet.

Alissa, you're based in Los Angeles, if I am to believe the Internet. One of my former residences, in fact. One of the few cities that has traffic as bad as the DC region, and one of the few cities as ethnically-diverse as Washington. I am not sure how much time you've spent in DC, but trust me when I tell you this -

That bet is typical despicable de Blasio strategy, pitting the Habs against the Habs-nots.


Dan Aykroyd has a ton of those crystal skulls. He puts vodka in them.

There's an app called Twilight which is basically f.lux for Android, and its newest version includes a feature that controls Phillips hue lights exactly like you describe. Haven't personally tried it cause I don't have any of those lights (and I typically don't put my lights on anyway because there's enough light

Those fucking fish. They're just as messy and uncaring as we. Plus, they have no taste in beer, either. Assholes.

But coal can't cause widespread local environmental damage in a single massive catastrophic accident...

I'm betting they just had this big fucker carry them.

They checked him for black goo, right?

Amen, I've been using computers for 25+ years and I can't remember ever seeing the "hamburger"

Does this solve my two problems with window air conditioners? (1) When I remove an a/c unit from a window, I always worry about dropping it because no window unit I've seen has convenient handles. (2) My window unit always contains a cupful of dirty water from rain or condensate that spills all over the floor as I

Somewhere in Audi's New Jersey headquarters is a 31-year-old manager-level guy in Warby Parker glasses and skinny pants whose job it is to pick up the phone when a panicked dealer calls and give advice on how to find a local DJ with "the cool factor." This is simultaneously one of the best, and worst, jobs one could

This is fundamentally my biggest problem with atheistic theology. The law of the conservation of energy is the most fundamental law there is. With out it, there is no quantum physics, no relativity, no evolution, no science. But, yet, at some point you have to acknowledge that for the Universe to exist, the

What it's like when Ashley finally catches up on must-see movies— human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

I know the Panasonic is a 70-200mm 35mm equivalent. I'm coming at this from a pro perspective and carrying two DSLRs doesn't sound crazy to me (though a FF DSLR and a mirror less sounds like a much better idea, I'm often lugging 3 or more cameras around). But my point is exactly what you said the Canon is two

I take no issue with mirror less lenses, but your argument falls apart completely right here "So, the Panasonic covers the same range (due to the 2x crop factor)".

No, I'm thinking of what happens if you put a full frame lens on a m43 body, lets compare apples to apples here. That lens becomes ~400mm @f2.8.