
Holy sh*t, that Howitzer is not small.

I don't think that gerrymandering is exactly running wild - at least in Michigan. In 2012, MI went 54% for Obama, but that only 20 of 83 counties went majority for Obama (24%). Congressional districts went 5 of 14 for Obama (35%).

I think we are probably not too far off - a voter ID should be done, but it should be done: a) well before a presidential election, b) free for those without means, c) done on a federal level, to prevent states (willingly or unwillingly) from screwing it up.

"They are gerrymandering" - if by "they" you mean "all politicians", they you would be correct.

It does seem odd that some liberals want the states to improve their DL (Real ID) but don't want stronger ID verification at the voting booth ... just like it seems odd that some conservatives don't want a national ID, but do want better ID verification for voting.

That F is for "Frequent".

BREAKING NEWS: NYC suffers from acute case of "supply & demand". More at 11.

Jesus, I agree with you. Except that the condo looks pretty amazing. And everyone will be looking out the 2 story windows at the ocean, so you probably won't notice the showroom vibe. Also, trade that Panamera for something else under the Volkswagen umbrella and it changes the feel considerably.

Good call, but dang - $30k is a LOT of Jaeger.

That is similar to what I had my personal assistant do, after he bought my Concierge doctor one of these Piagets.

So you're telling me that healthcare.gov was designed to be used on a Blackberry? No wonder Obama was so confident that it worked.

Don't worry it will be full of natural gas. Nothing natural can hurt us.

OK, people. You all complained about the Lightning connector, how Apple was making you get new cables and how it wasn't a micro-USB port because Apple hates you.

Those are interesting links - and they generally rank countries on efficiency. I agree that US "health care" is not terribly efficient (on a health-care cost per capita basis), but you have to take into account size (both in geography and population). To say that Hong Kong or Switzerland is more efficient at

Wow. I think you need to read a little closer.

Really? Which country practices more advanced medicine, whether techniques or medications, than the U.S.?


You're absolutely right - we could have just given subsidies toward buying private insurance, and that would have lowered everybody's premiums and helped the system rather than destroy it.

You know, there is another option if they ever decide to go faster:

I have them as well. Worth every penny, which is easy to say because they cost a lot less pennies than the Bose.