
Yeah, I've read the original paper detailing the original "primordial soup" experiments. And, yeah, you can mix elements in a vat of warm water, stir them up, hit them with some electricity ("lightning") and see some basic chemicals come together.

Um ... maybe you should read the Wikipedia link in my first post. I appreciate that you don't seem to believe in ID, but the link I posted would suggest that:

That's badass.

I don't think we're on exactly the same page, but I agree that it should be harder for bad people to get guns. That is rational gun control. Unfortunately, the side effect is almost certainly going to be making it harder for good people to get guns - and bad guys are always going to have a way to get guns (that

Cool "experiment". But if you put infinite Lego in infinite washers, would it ever look like this?

To me? No. To my brother? Yes (obviously talking about guns and not trans fats).

I could see why you might not want to fess up. But I do think that the build quality and materials make a big difference to me on whether I keep that "new" feeling for longer - or whether it starts feeling like another tool.

Which laptop did you get?


Agreed. Subsidizing corn->ethanol is retarded. Tariffs on non-US sugar makes no sense and gave us HFCS.

Yeah, but you can't pray out loud to God in an American school, so ... apparently God is now illegal.

Well, no criminal is going to have an illegal trans fat, break into my house, and make my wife and I eat it so he can rob the place.

The same thing that Google gets now when you use its products on iOS (or Android) - you. Google doesn't really care about Android, Chrome, Google TV, or Glass. They care about getting your information and selling you ads.

Holy crap ... Gruber linked to this article in a flattering way? Good job, Brian.

Screw all that natural light and "architecture". THIS is what I like in a train station.

Six-figures? Who cares about poor people?

No mention of battery life? Seems like an important thing to improve in this category.

How is there not a Spotify station: "Never Listened To"? You would get the satisfaction of hearing new music, however bad those songs may be - and once you listen to it, it disappears back to the Spotify netherworld. You may be the ONLY person to ever listen to that song on Spotify.

They had to lay it in crooked to make sure the whole thing fit. Don't forget about the highway on one end. Duh.

Agreed. The "shutdown" only includes 17% of the government. If you decide that nuclear regulators are not in the "essential" 83% and something bad happens - I think that's your bad.