I can't understand why everybody's hating on this poor girl.
I can't understand why everybody's hating on this poor girl.
Look, if you get burned or the gun flies out of your hand after shooting one round:
I fully support Microsoft's efforts to give everybody some HTTP S&M.
I think Apple pushed it as far as they could on the iPad 3, using commercially-available technologies (and for them, "commercially-available" means able to be produced in the millions a month or two before launch). You know that it had to hurt Sir Ive when he had to make the iPad 3 thicker...
It's actually more interesting to think what's probably going to be in the iPad4:
"Whiskey don't make liars, it just makes fools. So, I didn't mean to say it - but I meant what I said."
So, what you're saying is:
Degradation? Exploitation? Worse than not working at all?
Is Francisco Prieto a pseduonym for Jesus Diaz? Because that guy totally owes us a Lego Millennium Falcon build...
And we still don't know where Bane is working.
This needs to be an iPad case.
I've left behind a number of decent "shack prizes" in my day - but, thankfully, I've always remembered to take my penis with me.
"One thing's for sure: nobody will ever have a cooler symbol than AT&T, which is simply T. T."
+1. If Brent is going to let a non-waterproof jacket win when "waterproof" was the criteria, then we shouldn't let synthetic disqualify a jacket just because "down" is a criteria.
Oh, we want you.
What the hell is Hastings thinking? Bad ideas: raising prices, splitting the core product, naming one-half "Qwikster". Good idea: video game rentals.
"As you know, Mitch and I were working on the cyanide system. Well, earlier today it ate itself. But, these little set-backs are just what we need to take a giant step forward. Right, Kent?"
I don't want this for home - but EVERY hotel room should have this on the nightstand.