
I use Hipmunk.com to figure out which flights make sense from a time/layover standpoint (sort by "agony") and then confirm that the airline's website doesn't have a cheaper price.

"(It's an interesting pattern possibly forming in Apple's yearly cycle: The iPad debuts most of the technology for the rest of the year.)"

@bornonbord: OK, so I looked at her FB page (because you made me).

Zero chance that the SD card could be used for general storage. It's going to be a card reader (for photos/movies) only - and the card is going to stick out of the slot just a little bit (like on the MBP and iMac's) making it a little unsafe to leave in there.

@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: Ummm, just FYI, we don't use words like "feck" around here.

@Steezy McFresh: Even more important (to me), the original Engadget rumor mentioned storage of movies on a Time Capsule with streaming directly to the new AppleTV. No sign of that yet, either.

All that this house is missing is a set of insane stairs down the cliff to a small landing - then a rope bridge over to a floating dock/swim platform/party barge.

@Gotlactose: Good thing the white iPhone 4 never came out - that might completely overwhelm you.

@sighing: No dropping calls until you hang up to use data...

@FriarNurgle: 2-3GB tops. You'll never even know they're there.

This is the best news I could think of. Everyone should switch to Verizon iPhones at launch.

How did you expect Mr. Barho to escape communist China? Apply for a visa?

Nice job on figuring out that it was 7.5.1 that first featured this icon - I was curious after Gruber linked to the article on DF....

@Jones Foyer: Damn, this comment should be promoted.

Everybody is missing the point when they try to calculate the cost of ownership for these electric cars.

@maximum_sarge: Agreed. Put a small turbodiesel 4-banger under the hood to make this thing a torque-monster - and allow you to recharge when you are FAR from a plug.

@PACKERSPACKERSPACKERSPACKERS: Yeah, that plasma is actually a black hole - you can see the stars racing toward the event horizon in the screen-grab.

@albokay: Recent photo of the perps and their accomplices...

@Nitesh2: I doubt it - but LL Bean would be happy to sell you some serious arctic boots...

I just recently upgraded from a 15-year old pair to a new pair of unlined 10" with Bison uppers. They really are fantastic. They aren't super warm if you get the unlined model, but they come big to make room for thick wool socks (or Thinsulate socks) - and you then aren't cooking on those not-freezing wet days.