
@inakizombie: Is it strange that I trust you, a fellow non-starred Gizmodo commenter, more than I trust LaptopMag?

So, let me get this straight. According to the comments below, many people have used an iPhone 4 over MiFi and had great success using FaceTime. LaptopMag uses an Evo as a pseudo-MiFi and it fails. LaptopMag concludes that FaceTime is flawed.

If you are paying people, you should give $50 to the first guy to run Geekbench on the iP4:

I disagree with the article. The typing slowdowns and slow app launches on the 3G? Those came after 3.0/3.1.

All of the "Duh, it's on WiFi" comments are missing the point:

#6: Try Cocktail or (Snow) Leopard Cache Cleaner. Both are excellent at cleaning caches, tweaking hidden settings, etc.

@Dracoster: Sounds like you need to replace some windows with 2-way mirrors...

@nmda: Blah, blah, blah. Tennis is a better sport when the computer calls whether a serve caught the baseline. (Real) Football is a better sport with instant replay. Baseball (as proven this month) WOULD be a better sport with instant replay. Basketball is a better sport with instant replay. Hockey WOULD be a

Start getting turned on:

@OCEntertainment: THAT is how you rant. Your star is well-deserved, sir.

@F00fybunny: Do any of the smart people have a Nobel prize? If so, I will stop worrying about this whole thing.

Let's keep track of the upgrades that Apple is including in the iPhone4 that weren't in the iPad (that was launched 82 days earlier):

@cinnamonster: If thinkthis is right, it looks like my salary is safe.

Ima gonna be pissed if Apple releases a 64GB (or 128!) iPhone 4 a few months after I navigated the release fiasco.

I've been looking into this lately (for a Mac) and I've read nothing but negative comments on Mozy. It seems that the Mac client for CrashPlan is much more robust.


Oh, sure - it's an "illusion". Just wait until the demons come up trying to drag you to Hell.

@Xeraphim: You must be at the bottom of the shallow end...

After being denied press passes, I think Gizmodo should liveblog watching the streaming video.

I respectfully disagree. Even if you only use if for music and GPS, the iPad would work well (although it may be a little big). Excellent music software (obviously). You can choose among multiple GPS programs to use (including pulling up Google street view) if you get the 3G version. Odds are that there will have