
I have been fortunate enough to fly on several private jets as a co-op student. I would fly on private jets in a heartbeat if I had the money.

Heh this is just a random anecdote without any sort of point, but your comment really brought me back to my childhood. I’m a 37 year old man, but my mom was very much a feminist when she raised my sister and I by herself in the 80's.

So I worked in a preschool and something the 2 year old classroom used to deal with was moms referring to favorite teachers as their 2 year old son’s “girlfriend”. Like “oh there’s your girlfriend” jokes about crushes etc. My theory was that this was how they made their insecurity at having their baby’s love for

A phrase that drives me crazy is referring to a baby as “my little man.” It’s not a man. It’s a fucking baby. And maybe, if you do a good job parenting, he won’t turn out to be the kind of men we all deal with every day. 

HR works for management to protect the company. The sooner people realize this, the sooner you will understand the true role of your HR deparment.

Women can die due to complications during pregnancy or birth or be left with birth injuries. Choice should always remain with the woman putting her body and life at risk, and that includes the right to end the pregnancy.

What are your thoughts on the whole legalizing commercial surrogacy aspect of this? Would you have been able to get a surrogate if commercial surrogacy were illegal?

Not all fostering is selfless. While I know several people who have done fostering because they are kind people who want to help kids, I also have friends who have been through the foster system and were essentially a paycheck vehicle for the people fostering them. I also know it’s often a brutal process that comes

My mother told me that when someone sneezes the appropriate response is “achooie-woowie-woots!” Not bless you. Achooie-woowie-woots. I thought it was bless you in another language, like “gesundheit.” It wasn’t until I was an adult teaching middle school that anyone questioned “achooie-woowie-woots.” One of my 8th

Laverne Cox

I am hoping against hope that farther down in this thread is a woman posting her story about how when she was a tween she got her first period in the dark woods while on vacation with someone else’s family, and then I hope you both lock eyes and say “it’s you!” and then you get together over international coffee and

Interesting, but let’s not make the perfect the enemy of the good. If your baby is growing and your sanity is intact, you’re doing it right. 

Right? How can you be an adult and think that everyone has full control over their reproduction? People are infertile, people are ill, people are working through emotional shit, people are financially insecure, people have suffered miscarriages, etc...

Seriously, that was silly math. I mean, by that token, if we had a gay season of the Bachelor or Bachelorette, we should expect that 90% of the contestants would be secretly straight.

There’s a slit for the water. You put it on as high pressure as you want and no backsplash will come up.”

My husband went from not tucking, to french tucking... and we went from not fucking to french fucking - which is having sex on a platter of Brie cheese.

Also for some reason how he said pot luck reminded me of Moira Rose from Schitt’s Creek.

I am of Scandinavian descent, have nipple hairs for days, and show them off to any and all when I nurse my 2 year old. Prettt sure I would cause her a heart attack #nipplehairdontcare

I’ve got about 5-8 of these types of hairs around both of my nipples since puberty. I pluck these off my body when they get mad long every 1.5-2 months. I’m also South Asian, so “unwanted” body hair is basically my are(ola) of expertise.

There is so much noise (instead of sound) that surrounds this case. It makes me wonder if Jussie may have wanted to cover up a domestic altercation / abuse situation. When Jussie was hospitalized, he had injuries to his face and a broken rib. Many of us who have been abused have been tempted to concoct a story to