
This just screams of a mother who has been shouldering an enormous amount of caregiving and responsibility for decades. They talk about going with her protocols and think about how much emotional work and toll being wholly responsible for the development of 4 special needs kids. This speaks more to society and lacking

I sm Canadian and have autists relatives and a child with down syndrome and can attest that people do things that convene legitimate science and safety common sense.

This. Plastic straws are actually useful and oftentimes necessary for people with disabilities. The fact that of all the single use plastics we are demonizing straws proves how ableist our society is. 

While I completely agree with your last statement. I would argue that positive parenting is an accomplishment. I put a lot of work into my kids and when I am able to keep my cool and successfully handle a tantrum, or I see my kid’s confidence and excitement for learning grow, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I will

It is awful. My son’s kindergarten had a child whose mother found her mother OD. She found her body and went to a neighbour to say she could not wake up her mom. She died. The calous bitchy mother that judged that 4 year old for her behaviour made me so angry. I don't know how she is now, but that little girl was so

I am a mom to three boys and I feel and have felt it important to teach them to be thoughtful and connected to their emotions and think about others. My boys play with girls, play with dolls and love puttong make up on. I recognize that they watch me get ready and just want to emulate me, so they grab brushes and run

We went on a roadtrip with our two kids through tge Rockies. I have been through the Rockies before, but completely underestimated the amount if stress/anxiety when you are driving alonside the edge of a mountain(s) while two kids whine, cry and scream. Then when we finally arrive in Calgary my youngest son pulls a

I just binged watched this show becsause of this article. For anyone in Canada you can watch it for free on CBC online. I was so excited because I thought I would have had to wait until Hulu came to Canada

Nope. I call my husband my husband. We have been together for 16 years, own a house together, have 3 children together. There is zero reason to actually get married. The fact is that no other word is socially acceptable and shows the weight and commitment of our relationship. He is not my boyfriend and partner is

Yes! When I returned to work, my husband was home 3 of thr days that I worked, so he cared for him on those days. He forgot to take him to a doctor's appointment. I got a really nasty call from thr receptionist (who had both our numbers on file). As soon as I told her that my husband must have forgotten, since he is

That is terrible. I am in Canada and childcare is awful here too. I think affordable access is important. But I also think people who are providing such pivotal care for children who largely cannot express their thoughts, needs and emotions, needs to be something that people value and respect. People want to pay people

Same, but in their bedroom. I also remember finding a BUNCH of sex toys under the bed (It was the best place for hide and seek) when I was 5 or 6. I did not realize until years later what they were.

I was taught the cunt was the absolute worse word ever. My mother swore like a sailor, but it was untouchable. Until, she was called a cunt while driving. It hurt her so bad, that she decided to take ownership of the word and said it very liberally after that.

I thought that girls were in Scouts for a long time. I am not sure how long they have been males and females in scouts in Canada, but at least decades.

PE was the worst. In very young grades it was fun and we played fun games and tried new sports. For some reason we play something called Net ball, since basketball was deemed too difficult until we were in grade 6 (serious).

The white ones are the best.

Growing up, I was the youngest of my cousins. I always hated being youngest and would often pretend like I knew was my cousins were talking about. But I clearly had no idea and they would often use this fact to get me to do stupid crap. At the time I was maybe 5 or 6. They were talking about how they all eat sand and h

This literally made me cry. Thank you for this. Obviously, there was a reason your grandmother sacrificed to give you this money.

Ok, not sure if this counts, as I was not actually on the date. But I was the matchmaker- well in collaboration with my dad.

There is a specific pair of leggings with mesh panels on each leg. I have no idea the brand, but in my city rhyme are everywhere. Teenagers walking to school, moms running errands, literal runners. My hubby and I play a game where we count how many people we see wearing these exact leggings - so many at the school and