
My lips got ridiculously huge when I was pregnant with my third. It felt like they were going to burst. They looked awful. I had no other swelling at all and low to normal blood pressure. I did not know it could happen either. My doctor was also confused by it and sent me for allergy testing, but nope that wasn’t it.

You would be surprised. Although completely different, I had my discharge nurse talk to me about goals- and state that my goal is to exclusively breastfeed. My son was in the NICU being tube fed and they would not let me breastfeed because he was at a high risk for aspirating. That didn’t send me into tears.

This show drives me nuts. I particularly aim issue at the responsibility of the school versus parents. School 100% needs to be a safe place, but parents and the family is pivotal. The whole angle that the parents are solely blaming the school and not themselves seems so impossible to me as a parent.

This has become somewhat of a thing where I live. There is a family farm that puts it on. I am currently pregnant with our third, but my husband joked that he knows what to do for next mother’s day- and showed me their mother’s day special- goat yoga and wine.

I know way too much about this and maybe I got it confused, but Tyra picked her to be on the show based on her instagram photos and following. They made it seem like Tyra personally asked her to come on because of the photos Tyra saw on instagram.

I enjoy many of her books, but there are times the pretension is just too much for me. Margaret Laurence will always be the superior Margaret author.

Cute in theory. We have a lot of bears (black bears) in our neighbourhood. I was walking home from my mom’s house with my oldest son when he was a baby when I saw a mama and three cubs about 6 houses away. I turned around and walked back to my mom’s and spent the night. On a side note they love Chinese food. One bear

When I was doing a municipal history project for a summer job I had, I found out in my town in the 1950's it was actually mandated that no businesses could be open on Sunday. There are many small businesses here that are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays to have days off (which sucks when you want some Chinese take

Yes, my son is off school until tomorrow because Easter was part of the two week Spring Break (Monday was off as a holiday and today is in lieu of Good Friday). They also had a PD on the Friday before so two and half weeks for “Spring Break” even though for most of Canada the weather doesn’t resemble anything close to

This is so true. I livw in Canada and they often have coupons for 8-10 off 2 boxes of diapers, so you need to shell out even more to get a cheaper price.

Agreed. She definitely had a young looking face that has thinned, but there’s more going on than that.

I live in a very small Canadian city. We got a Walmart a few years ago. When we went for the first time, it was eye opening. Where did these people come from? Our city is not super affluent, but I had never seen so many people with ass cracks showing and bellies hanging out. I saw one pregnant girl wearing only a lace

I will forever hate PETA and thr idiots who threw red paint on my grandma’s handmade fur teddy bears. She makes teddy bears with old fur coats as keepsakes for loved ones when someone passes away.

My child’s occupatuonal therapist and physical therapist has says it has more to do with not spending enough time crawling. Parents are very focused on walking. My son has low tone and since he has mastered crawling his fine motors skills are remarkably improved. So many people are constantly reassuring me he we walk

I remember as a 6 and 7 year old havibg severe anxiety where time would speed up and I just could not keep up. Words sounded like a tape on double or triple time, but everything I did was slow - like I was being pushed down by heavier gravity. I literally told no one. Had no idea this was not “normal.” I had a lot of

I had to repay my extended health insurance while in mat leave and I live in Canada.

I have a son with Down syndrome and I have very conflicted feelings about this. My son is amazing and he is perfect the way he is. I strongly believe in the right to choose, at the same time it breaks my heart that people see my son as a liability as someone who requires so much sacrifice. As a parent of two children,

I did this. My son asked why one particular boy does some things (wrecking and stomping on other’s creations or calling names). I told him sometimes people are assholes. This was after many other explanations and frankly I am sick of this kid. Then hr was playing with some minifigures and one said the other was “being

Totally. Honestly, it sounds like she is not completely blameless either. My guess is there was a lot of judgement hurled towards Morgan for having a child at 19 and she is clearly better because she had a grad degree. Also, how it is helping the dynamic when she stays her room because she wants her mom to have time

Also, a lot of adoption agencies would not adopt to a couple where the father (or mother) had a serious medical condition that will limit life span like cystic fibrosis.