
I was just talking to my mom about this today. Girls are supposed to be accommodating. When I was in school-grade one- our teacher did a lot of leasons around inappropriate touch and how if any toucn makes you uncomfortable it is not ok and to tell an adult you can trust. I remember the example was a grandpa who was

How about the fact that men’s pain is just taken more seriously by medical doctors? Men get far better medical care in Canada and assumedly elsewhere. Men are more likely to be correctly diagnosed and treated for serious things like heart attack and stroke.

Twins kind of freak me out. Like when I know someone for a bit of time and then they casually drop “my twin” I feel like I have been deceived.

Me too. I am not just hot, but after having children will full on sweat in my sleep- like dripping. Basically I am gross and must shower in the morning.

I love Maria Bamford and have been anxiously waiting for season 2. I just happened to watch her stand up on Netflix just before season 1 came out. And I am so glad I did. She is hilarious and her comedy (to me) translates so well to a sitcom.

Are you my mother in law? When I told her that my grandma had broken her hip she told me “well there’s no coming back from that” and “it’s just a matter of time.” That was three years ago and she is totally fine.

She has been in a lot of Canadian tv and movies. I was not sure how she was going to be in this, because I usually find her voice to be high pitched and annoying in anything else I have seen. Most of what I had seen her in she played an overly precious, flighty type character. It is great to see her able to have a

I am in the greys, but I am sending you and your family my thoughts. I am sorry you are going through this that is a lot to handle.

I am sorry. It is shitty. This is reminding me of when I was a kid and had to give away my cat. He was full of spunk and loved to climb into our basement’s partial unfinished ceiling and then jump out and pounce on your head covered in spiderwebs. The fact he was a black cat was just icing. Anyway we had a crazy

They were referring to the Lynne Spears, who wrote a memoir showing how shitty of a parent she was to Britney. She states that she knew she was drinking at 13 (but was ok with it if she was around); was cool with her having sex at 14 with her 18 year old boyfriend becausr she thought it would make Britney popular in

What a dirt bag. That mug shot is scary shit. His eyes- deep seething rage.

Ambrosia apples are the best. Juicy, sweet, crisp and take forever to turn brown.

The doctor who delivered my first specifically turned me away when I was 4cm. He said they will admit me, but the earlier they do the more likely they are to intervene (specifically c section) as labouring continues. It is pretty much bullshit. But I came back the next day and had my baby. My baby was never in

No way. Two hours would put you in Chilliwack. Definitely not city, but sprawling and everything takes forever to get to. One plus is tolls have been removed from the bridges to it may help relieve some congestion if you look somewhere further out. If you want less city feel, I would look at Fort Langley (not Langley

Or be like my mom, who not only opened the door to a stranger in the middle of the night, but then proceeded to drive him to where he needed to go. Why? Because there was a bear walking down the street and she didn’t want to have him wait for a taxi before going back to bed.

You know what I would be interested in hearing is the perspective from one of these know grown children. Frankly, this series has all about the mothers and one father and how having their children taken away affected them. They are not removed for the sake of the parents. If people want more sympathy and to incite any

I think this is the only scenario that it is acceptable and often necessary. Kids that are too young to understand danger need to make a connection to hurt/pain. I have seen and known too many kids who bolt and run into traffic and think it is a fun game, then making it a common occurrence.

I grew up with not much money and worked to save for university. I knew I would need to pay my own way and cars were so expensive to buy and run. My friends seemed to be split- ones that spent all their money on their car or they did not bother getting their license. If teens cannot even get jobs how are they supposed

Yes, Gap’s kids stuff is great. Jackets, pants and sweaters are noticeably better quality. I do find there is a BIG price jump from toddler to kids. My son is 4, but outgrowing size 5 and the Boys stuff is easily 50% more. Pajamas are ridiculously overpriced. $50 for kids PJs? (I live in Canada, so they are more here)

Yep. I have two boys. I find they like playing with any type of toy. It is more how they play - very physical. I was quite conscious of being gender neutral and not really acknowledging gender. The result? A kindergartener who cannot tell the difference between boys and girls. Everyone is a he/him even when he is sure