I think it from pregnancy. Some women really swell in the face and their lips get bigger.
I think it from pregnancy. Some women really swell in the face and their lips get bigger.
I just wanted to say my 4 year old, soon to be 5 year old son LOVES Lego friends. I understand your frustration that it is girl lego, but their are some really cool sets. They are more geared toward building and then imaginary play - grocery store, pool, hotel, pizzaria. They also often have male characters in the…
Yep. As a kid we adopted a rescue as a puppy and they told us it was a german shepard lab cross, which were breeds we were familiar with. Then our dog escapes and/or bolts out the door to chase cars. Add to that his ability to over and clear an adult’s head while sitting down, and we were stumped. Finally we realize…
I agree. The river stones will have a lot of grout in between abd the edges and be a pain to clean and crack, etc. It will be more maintenance.
So many managers are shitty. I remember fighting tooth and nail for my first raise. He offered 2% and I countered to get more. I remember him grilling me and then asking me about my partner (who I live with) and said “well he must make a good living.” I shut that shit down. I made it clear that has absolutely nothing…
This is true. Having kids and open concept is a blessing and a curse. I see mess all the time, but my kids are young and I can cook and watch them without them being in my yiny kitchen and opening all the cabinets/getting under foot. Our house is pretty small amd if it were not open concept it would feel even smaller.…
I knew a kid growing up who was about 8 when he set another kid on fire. Nothing ever happened to to him authorities never got involved and as far as I know he never got punished by his parents. Their attitude was what did the other kid thibk would happen “if he doused hinself in gasoline.” Umm probably that your…
I like it too. I would like to better if it were a different colour though, the blushy nude colour is not a best, but it looks ok on her.
Yes. I had the biggest thing for Colin Farrell in high school. In my defense the movie theatre was the chief employer of all my friends in high school, so I saw these movies for free. I have to add SWAT and Daredevil.
I am not alone! My son really loves playing with makeup. It is the only way I can take 5 minutes to get myself ready, and although I am mostly a stay at home mom, it makes me feel more like a fully formed human to take a few minutes so I do not look like a pile of swollen rotting garbage. My son loves to wear…
I just got my 4 year old son a water bottle very recently. I can attest that there is a clear divide between the kids with water bottles (caring parents with means) and those without (non caring parents who are poor). It is pretty simplistic, but it kind of seems this way. My son is not in preschool or daycare. We go…
Agreed. We mostly went pantsless and we did have an issue of regression when our second was born (and for a long tine afterward). The only problem with pantsless convincing your young child not to jump all over your long haired dog. Oh the hair in places it should not be.
Including my 4 year old son who sings it as: “paddle from the other side.”
Same- until high school. I remember finding out boys that I went to school with were actually smart when we got to high school. They had received mediocre grades in elementary school. Elementary school grades were a joke though. It really depended on teacher bias and very little on actual work/ability.
Although, I am Canadian, this complete and utter lack of understanding regarding educational issues is mind boggling. What exactly is role of the Federal Eduxation Department?
I cannot see how there would not be a burden. Even if they are free, I doubt they are paid for their time. In the case of anyone with children - they may have to get and pay for a babysitter. If it is online- not all people have computers, etc to complete such training.
That could have been me. I was in kindergarten and my mom was pregnant with my brother. I had found a video tape that seem innocent enough with a baby on the cover. I watched it and it was a birthing video- it showed everything. I made all of my friends re-enact childbirth (with a pillow up our shirts).
It is embarrassing but I have done all three in public. I puked too many times to count while pregnant- mostly in garbage cans walking to work. I pooped in someone’s hedges walking home from school in kindergarten. But the worst was my public pee.
Childcare is crazy in Canada too. For one child I paid 10,200 annually. That is Mondays and Fridays- long days but still. In my area for one child people usually pay 18000 per year for childcare- and that is usually just in someone’s house and not necessarily licensed. It can easily be 24000+ for one child.
I live in Canada and remember watching some Olympic coverage on NBC during the 2008 Olympics. I cannot even believe the coverage- completely skewed and melodramatic. Here the coverage definitely has a Canadian slant but they actually give you some information (although I desparately miss Brian Williams (not the NBC…