I was just reminded that Christopher Plummer is the only Chris worth fawning over.
I was just reminded that Christopher Plummer is the only Chris worth fawning over.
I knew a lady who used to get ladybug infestations every spring - one time I counted more than 3o on a single 3x5 pane of her window. ANY insect in sufficient quantity is gross and creepy - the only difference is in the numbers.
Because that’s what women and girls are here for. That’s precisely how men see us, treat us, use us. We are less than nothing.
Thank you for so beautifully writing out the feelings that I have had about this whole situation. I too, was molested as a kid by an older cousin-and later a teacher from our community who did theatre with me- and it took me years to reconcile those experiences (and to be honest, I’m still trying to deal with them…
This outfit on SNL was a mistake.
I love Stranger Things but everything about Millie Bobbie Brown makes me uncomfortable. She is 13 and supporting her family! That is not okay. She is an afterschool special on how not to be a child star. When I saw Sean Astin was going to be in Stranger Things I was hoping he could pull her aside and stage an…
would you believe it took two hours to make this
Is this where I can show off my daughter who did a mashup this year of her two favorite things: Draco and Corn. Comin at ya: DraCorn Malfoy.
Happy Halloween weekend everyone!!!!!
beautiful blonde-haired blue-eyed baby ...
Great, something to put on the shelf with Britney’s mom’s parenting book.
It is? Is that the regular OK sign or something else? I use the regular OK emoji sometimes in my texts and had no idea.
Let’s also not forget what we also have modeled here is using sex as a way impose one’s dominance over someone else.
I initially read “caffeine runs” as meaning “diarrhea from too much coffee”, and became a little concerned....
All I know is that Amy Adams better get her motherfucking Oscar this time. I am sick and tired of seeing the likes of Jennifer Lawerence, get an Oscar over Amy Adams.
As a mom of 2 who is struggling to sleep train her almost 10 month old son: FUCK YOU Ashton. I “demand” 8 hours of sleep too but my demands seem to be secondary. Who should I send my demands to, cuz the baby doesn’t give a fckkkk
Sarah Polley makes me proud to be a Canadian. She’s truly a national treasure, becoming an international treasure... and I hope that she, and more people like her, replace the Harvey Weinsteins of the industry.
Sarah Polley is an absolute treasure in every way.
(At least it’s not guns?)