What dealer apparently has Jimnys?? I’m now very curious of this prospect
I feel like in an ambulance having crumple zones where all of the things that would be in an ambulance c0uld end up... Idk tho
Tbh it sounds like you went through less trouble than with my VW, minus the fact that I had to do it at several dealers because of way too many lies.
No, to be honest I did too lol
Funny enough this is a similar request to one many of my friends have asked me and I usually point them towards the Acura TSX as well. I’m not sure if there’s a better all around car at the price point for someone looking for a regular daily driver.
the sad thing is that probably still is...
the sad thing is that probably still is...
It almost won NJ that year lmao, the crowd went fucking wild for it.
Holy shit driving that thing with a T78 does not make it easier I bet haha, big car, small powerband.
Does it chirp 2nd? Or even 3rd?
underrated comment
If you get it you better keep us updated lol
I don’t know what roads you are driving on in Michigan but when I was driving through Michigan (Gingerman down to Indiana) the roads were beautiful but you had to keep a lookout for cops because they apparently will pull you over doing even 10 over (my friend’s words) and I know someone who got a ticket for 5 over in…
It’s a rule in Formula D in order for the judges to see where the people are braking easily. It’s really meant to combat things like brake checking and excessive slowdowns during competition.
True, but they did exist to a certain extent, and the stickers, wild bodykits, and gaudy wheels were definitely the style
You say that but at the time that was actually what was hot in the import scene. If you go back to the Super Street, and Import Tuner magazines of the time those kinds of cars are littered throughout the pages. Same as if you see pictures of NOPI and HIN events too. That was the style.