
That’s nice, nepotism and whatnot, but the important question is: what the fuck is that kid looking at, to make that face?

What, were they joining the Clippers for some tea and crumpets? Four grown men snuck into an area they knew to be off limits. That’s the definition of looking to start shit.

This is a goddamned work of art.

The tiny string staving off untold horrors smiles in anticipation of the retribution it will wreak upon those of us who dare to dream.

Correct response.

“What the fuck is ‘rest’?”

You rang?

Nah, that’s the fluffernutter club. Different crew. Wear a poncho if you drop in on them.

I wish mine were the same. Nothing takes her faster from “Yay walk!” to “Fuck yourself” faster than the sight of her orange booties.

“Keep Minnesota nice, rape less than thrice.”

In fairness, it’s actually “Cleveland” that’s Algonquin for “dumpster fire”.

I’d be a damn sight happier if ol’ Murray wouldn’t stick to sports.

Take me with you!

Haters gonna Hate

Now you know. You’re welcome.

You literally posted as anonymous. You are, therefore, full of shit.

Still not the dumbest shit seen written on a red hat.

If the missing video isn’t a guy getting hit in the eye with his own cumshot, then I don’t know what to believe in anymore.

Mark Sanchez: “Mine was better.”