Jesus, that was gay.
Jesus, that was gay.
I was never aware finding butt-hurt in everything could be a full-time job.
Came for the stupidity. Wasn’t disappointed.
If you don’t love Hiram, you’re just wrong.
You should feel bad and you probably should be fired.
*Inserts picture of OJ*
So, don’t steal a goddamn van.
I had to completely cut out caffeine. It was giving me heart palpitations. Mtn. Dew was, anyway.
This is completely different than what I read on USAToday.
Anything would taste good with enough butter, cheese, and cream in it.
It’s called the real world, dipshits. Hope and change are for daydreamers. Get with the program.
He looks like any other asshole that went to Duke.
I live in rural Western North Carolina, in those aforementioned Appalachian Mountains. This asshole probably called them the “App-a-lay-shuns.” Please, PLEASE, go back from whence you came.
Remember, it’s ok to support women, as long as they’re liberals.
Salt, worchestershire. Tha’ts it. Don’t use lean beef. Don’t assault the meat before making patties.
If they fire Ravech and none of the other loud-mouthed dead weight, then that tells us all we need to know.
These poor fuckers...of course they’re baristas. They couldn’t survive as anything else.
This is comical coming from a man that probably was ok with Joe Biden.
I can tell that one image was cropped; I can also tell that many of the people on the stairs last year are now on the lawn. I can also tell that people will do anything to fit their pre-existing notions.