
I enjoy the belly-aching comments, and I didn’t vote for him.

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean you automatically judge. I’m not a proponent of many liberal ideas, doesn’t mean I judge those that do support them.

Vader killing everyone and the whole final battle is the best Star Wars since the Battle of Hoth and the fight above Endor. Just magnificent and intense. Seriously, that’s the best Vader has ever been on film and what we all wanted to see.

Better than the Force Awakens. I’d say 3rd, behind Empire and New Hope.

Spider-Man 2 was great on that thing.

I’m Native American. I do not fear Trump. The current administration is doing a good enough job of fucking things up and they supposedly “care.”

The more restrictions the government places on the populace, the harder it is for everyone to rise up and make a better life for themselves. It also teaches people to not be ambitious to improve their situation. A hand out is not a hand up. I was poor growing up, and we worked hard to get where we are today, and I

Its a joke. Change your tampon.

They made their bed, now they’re being made to lie in it. Every action has a consequence. If he goes too far, that another issue. The Bill of Rights should never be violated.

Fucking chew it up and swallow it.

Jesus. TRUMP IS PREZ WE’RE ALL DOOMED DURRRR. Nothing is changing. Grow up and act like a rational adult.

The federal government is for the most part an obscenely bloated albatross. It’s full of incompetence and general malaise. Sorry if I really don’t give a fuck what these people think.

Dukes lack of depth will undo them.

I’m sure some also get up and go to work without being a total baby about it.

You guys were wrong about everything before, and you’re still wrong. Someone hasn’t learned their lesson.

Suck it up, shitbags. Your own party failed you.

You are a petty little man.

So...if the mortgage is paid...why move?

Gosh, it’s almost like people that don’t want to work for them don’t have to. If workers are really upset by it, the company will change how they manage labor or suffer, and the market will dictate what happens.

Capitalism: where some people are poor.