Orange crush and whipped cream vodka.
Orange crush and whipped cream vodka.
Mouthfeel? Anyone who says this is a complete fuck.
Increased regulations from our government overlords the decrease the ease of entry into markets and therefore increased competition doesn’t really help.
Glare instead of yell. Its far more intimidating.
Burneko looks EXACTLY like I imagined.
There is uncertainty and risk near every election. This one just happens to have the worst candidates ever. Keeping cash reduces the risk. This may be beyond your comprehension.
“I’m aware this take means I can never be a southerner and that pleases me.” As much as you like food, this makes you a blithering idiot.
“Gun nuts.” Owning a gun doesn’t make you a nut, as long as you’re responsible. Might want that weapon when ol’ Donald tries to grab your pussy.
Native American here. I actually own one of the hats because I like the fucking logo.
Rae Carruth.
I am 35. I still call my garage a car hole.
Most people are far left until they reach adulthood and realize the real world is like, hard and stuff.
The fact that all of America isn’t ready to burn the whole goddamn system down is sad. People are arguing the merits of two supreme assholes.
Good think people like Barry here get to write articles and push that narrative, making things worse. People wonder why everyone has gone crazy...
Ultra liberal expresses opinion, other ultra liberals can’t handle it. You’re only one step away from laying the floor and throwing a tantrum.
I’d take him in a heartbeat at this point.
Of course they dont have any 13's left.
Of course they dont have any 13's left.