
Counterpoint: My vasectomy was painless.

If that’s a Kessel Run joke, I like it.

John Wall: [pops champagne]

One less annoying person on ESPNradio, I suppose. Now he can repeat himself endlessly on Fox Sports.

Simmons, Olbermann, Cowherd - ESPN Departes

My favorite part of any married white guy fisticuffs exchange is the part where someone declares “That’s enough!” What is the appropriate amount of punching, especially when Girls 10-12 softball is the nature of the beef?

I’m hearing too much Philly accent in there to be just hick Maryland. Could be wrong though.

If those guys are 40 I’m feeling pretty good about my 41.

Blood Jort

I lost it at the t-shirt, brass knuckles, and ham.

I’m even more surprised that actual grown adults think it’s only going to cost them $2 to subsidize this arena.

Surprised to learn today the city of Milwaukee has 125 million population.

If the only thing keeping you in a city is a crappy basketball team, you really need to make some changes in your life.

Seriously? The your decision to stay in Milwaukee or leave hinges on whether or not the Bucks are there?

That trickle-down you’re feeling is the megarich pissing on our heads.

I got better.

Lets let the well-spoken white athletes have the spotlight for a change!

That sounds much more likely and reasonable.

So, basically, we need more honkeys in sports!

omg her tragic spelling of spaghettios