
she did it to distract the people around her from the fact that she is losing control over her body and mind. its the second time (that we know of) that she can’t locate her car, not to mention the fact that she lost control of her bladder in that book shop.

I interpreted her looking around as getting increasingly dizzy and disoriented before falling in.

Phil has always been my favourite part of Better Things, and I have waited since the start of the show for it to finally focus on her.

Really great episode IMO, but man has Pamela been a real fing bitch in a few episodes this season. First with the date she was a total fucking asshole to in the parking lot and now with her brother. YIKES.

I didn’t see the fall as Phil trying to hurt herself; maybe I need to rewatch.

What a complex and devastating character Phil has quietly become, and Celia Imrie plays her with such grace. She more than deserves an Emmy at this point.

How strange. I prefer them better.

I was way more upset about the dog dying than any of the characters on the show were.

I know the kids are reflections of their mom, but I love them in spite of that.

I liked the contrast between how Sam handled the trildora (fedilby?) dude breakup a couple episodes ago and how she handled Xander horning in on dinner. In both she clearly gives zero fucks about the guy’s feelings. However, she sucks it up and makes the evening work with her ex - solely because that makes it better

I was surprised to see Matthew Glave as the ex-husband. On the one hand, casting him in that role is really too obvious (I haven’t followed his career closely, but every time I’ve seen him going back to ER is exactly this douchey guy part). On the other hand, that makes him perfect for the part, so why not cast him?

Failing?? She’s a great mother. What show are YOU watching? She may be more liberally minded than I would be, but she’s not making unwise choices for herself and who her daughters are. Her kids are basically good kids, with sometimes rotten attitudes. Do you even have kids or do you have them and they’re robots?

Phil pissing herself in front of that terrified kid in the book store was probably the most hilariously unsettling cold open to an episode I’ve ever seen. More of that, ‘Better Things.’

Ridley sounds unusually qualified for the presidency.

What if, like, in reality everyone ELSE are the replicants, and the replicants are really the last humans, who have been, like, conditioned to believe they’re replicants. Because aren’t we ALL replicants, man?

Saw this in the theatre when it came out...have seen it many, many times since. Never for a second thought Deckard was a Replicant. Didn’t see it alluded to in the film.

I have a friend who swears that humanity is actually extinct and everyone we see in the movie is a replicant of various degrees of knowing about it.

it’s confusing, turns out deckard is a human, but harrison ford himself is a replicant.

I dunno, the hillbillys torturing the women last year seemed worse to me, but not by much...

Well that seemed excessively violent and gruesome even for AHS. I think they just sat down, came up with the most fucked up things they could think up, and then as loosely as possible filled in the “plot”