
Oh, I’m intrigued too. Maybe it’s just the point that she’s been shown as more vulnerable now—in the pilot (and I’m sure this was by design) we meet her, every guy is attracted to her, she’s apparently brilliant when it comes to English (even more so than her prof who she is sleeping with—probably much more so) and

Generally I’m cool with her character. It’s hard to say what the writers have in store for her which makes her interesting to me.

This was definitely the best episode of the season thus far, helped immeasurably by the lack of panicking-Ally. Some of the recruitments felt a little too easy, but I understand why those arcs had to be truncated for the running time so I just let myself imagine a lot of stuff in between that led to all of it.

Well, that certainly was an improvement over the last few episodes. Anything that includes Emma Roberts getting murdered by clowns and Chaz Bono sawing off his own hand gets a thumbs up from me.

This episodes summary:

Yeah I guessing in the future people will either be saying, “I haven’t seen that but I’ve heard it’s really good” or “I didn’t watch it when it aired three years ago but I’m catching up now and I’m really liking it”.

Well all that’s true, for some reason this was the first week I kinda liked her character...

For whatever reason a lot of people I know (including fans of The Wire and Treme) seem content to plan to binge watch this once all 8 eps have aired. That might play a part? (Not that either of those shows got a ton of comments when they aired—it seemed—either, but...) Which, while I love following a serial week to

Yeah, I think it’s an issue with interest and not formatting. Rick and Morty has almost 300 approved comments, which is pretty similar to what it would pull with disqus.

I know it. It’s killing me. Initially I thought I blamed discus but noticed Entertainment Weekly’s recap coverage had a whopping two comments. Vulture and three, one of which was a spambot.

17 comments sigh

Yeah I am wondering what their plans are for her. Given what the shows about I initially thought that Vinnie would get involved in the porn biz and that he would rope Abby into it as well but now it seems like Vinnie’s story is about the eventual reinvention of Times Square so I’m not sure where that leaves Abby. I

So Lindsay’s trying to clean up Times Square by getting the cops to lay off arresting people in Hell’s Kitchen presumably so that the pimps and prostitutes of 42nd St. will relocate to “The Kitchen”?

So Abby’s just white privilege personified out of the gate, right? Can’t hold a job or manage to give a shit about school because she’s just so worldly, and all of this common shit is beneath her, oh, and also mumsy’s there with an envelope of cash any time she bombs out.

But there are no Fuckos left in the Midwest, not any more. They’re been almost completely displaced by Fuckwads.

Yeah, on Happy Days Richie Cunningham called people Fucko all the time.

As a Jersey boy living in the Midwest, I am proud to have introduced my gentle neighbors to “fucko” in shouting the phrase “What’s your problem, fucko?” as they blithely careen through crosswalks.

Listen up MoonTopples Fucko, I want to thank you for a neat and concise explanation of the word fucko and how to use it properly.

“Fucko” works best immediately following the phrase “listen up.” It’s a very concise way of displaying your utter contempt for the person you are addressing. It’s even better if the next thing you say is either remarkably stupid or completely off topic.

Oh, thank god! I think you, me and one other person are the only ones watching this show who don't want to nominate Anne Blaine for Mother of the Year. I still, and always, have felt that Anne's actions are at least as much about her and her feelings as about Taylor and what he wants and needs.