
The most hilarious outcome of this I can foresee is that the album being appropriately godawful and everyone laughing…more than they already are at the sheer audacity of this nonsense.

end it there? anyone? surely to god end it there. 2 and 3 were fairly horrible anyway, but that ending doesn't really leave any questions I want answered….

I don't know what button i just pressed.

can we have last seasons reviewer back please? this is a little bit cloying, sycophantic and, as such; completely lacks any objective depth whatsoever. seriously, have CBS asked you to ease up on them?

can we have last seasons reviewer back please? this is a little bit cloying, sycophantic and, as such; completely lacks any objective depth whatsoever. seriously, have CBS asked you to ease up on them?

what's up with the timeline in the newsroom universe? i know i'm not the first person to note this but i'm starting to need an explanation…

what's up with the timeline in the newsroom universe? i know i'm not the first person to note this but i'm starting to need an explanation…

dont know if someone else has said it (this thread is developing it's own consciousness and if i see the word 'generation' again i might very well freak out). i enjoyed it allot more than i expected. i'd read the leaked draft online and, whilst i thought the writing was excellent in parts, it was hella preachy. the

dont know if someone else has said it (this thread is developing it's own consciousness and if i see the word 'generation' again i might very well freak out). i enjoyed it allot more than i expected. i'd read the leaked draft online and, whilst i thought the writing was excellent in parts, it was hella preachy. the

gale boetticher's eye cleared right up eh?

gale boetticher's eye cleared right up eh?

alastair campbell isnt scottish. other than being the son of scottish parents, spending much of his childhood in scotland, having a scottish partner and having said (at various times):

alastair campbell isnt scottish. other than being the son of scottish parents, spending much of his childhood in scotland, having a scottish partner and having said (at various times):

'…he's a jew in the desert, i don't want him to wander'

damn this show. i can see the c (no pun intended), but i cant agree with the c. its stolen my fricking heart.

well now. ive watched the show since it started and have, at times, called myself a fan. not that i feel i should have to earn the right to comment but ive been coming to this very website to write little snippets of praise quite contrary to my comment above on the occasions i have felt they were merited by the show's

(self) completion

thank god thats over. this season has been one big thankless abomination.

'you put it up to six happy faces, ive never gone past three!'

…or the shows target demographic.