
i dont think thats strictly limited to this season, certainly not in hank's case. to my mind he's never been much of a pragmatist and, hitherto, the world seems to fall in/on (heyo!) to his lap without much work on his part. i guess part of what makes hank's character so likeable and frustrating in equal measure is

for better or for worse, i totally would have bought that as an ending for the whole series.

made me realise, as if i could forget, that BBT is basically a whats what of prouct placement. it wasnt til season 4 that the mac appeared on the desk by the window but, what with the alienware laptops, more sierra mist than you can shake a stick at and countless other less-than-subtle placements, im surprised they

ziggy says there's an 87.2% chance you could be right about this.

Tammi Bryant from Southland.

the only thing i took from this episode is that i've been mispronouncing scott bakula's surname since quantum leap.

…'give this man your finest trouser arouser'

yes, because people who order their obejctification of women numerically alongside 'aspirational' articles and adverts for $2000 jeans are clearly reliable judges.

schmidt was great tonight but nick, once again, stole the show for me.

'..someone needs to stay sober to fight you later.'

i still say it, the stephen king cutaway witht he lamp was a foretelling of this show's doom.