
But that’s irrelevant, since protecting themselves against the threat takes almost no additional time or effort. Bring the rocket launcher and a pair of automatic weapons, of which the armory appeared to have tons, so that if you see a dozen motorcyclists on the road, you aren’t killed or kidnapped.

Yeah, it’s ludicrous they aren’t out there with a rocket launcher handy, a belt of grenades each, and automatic weapons within arm’s reach. Instead, it’s a revolver each? WT...

Really? Cheerfully fecking Rick’s best friend just on Shane’s word Rick was “dead”? Yeah—what a charmer. Then turning around and encouraging Rick to kill Shane?


Good summary of what’s going on with Enid, I suspect.

Pfftt. Long hair makes women, generally, more attractive.

“It’s sad that the Walking Dead will lose more fans for the interracial kiss than being one of the dumbest shows on TV.”

How would you know... though?

Soap operas only do that because they’re on a ridiculous schedule, written on the fly, a new ep 250 times a year. TWD comes out 15 times more slowly. There’s no excuse for not making most of the plot turns far more plausible than they ever are. Seasons 1 and 2 pulled NONE of this nonsense. The worst we got then were

In the context of the show this season, this was one of the best.

Is that what they’re calling it these days?

Which made them not appearing to have automatic weapons and grenades and basically whatever you’d need to fend off an attack by a pack of motorcyclists who will cheerfully kill you, absolutely enraging.

I agree Gimpel can’t find even competent writers to save his life, but at least this one tried for a change of pace.

Now that you mention it, how did Zombie Deanna wander out of the house, out of her room, down the stairs, out of the house, out of the gate, well out of the compound, when all of the action and attention was INSIDE the compound?

Because Scott Gimpel really is completely overwhelmed in the role of showrunner.

That last never happened, that I saw. Seemed like the truck just teleported to the lake when they needed it to roll in.

I assumed they locked him in Morgan’s jail, but how did he get by Daryl?

Agreed. A lot of the mechanics were ludicrous (Carl and Enid fight long enough for the walker they were watching to make a grab at her? ffs), but for once there was enough of a change of pace and some interesting camera moves to make the ep fun, and drown out the dross for once.

It was ludicrous. At least cover the mechanism with something that won’t get in the way like car trouble.

Nor was it anywhere near the lake until it was needed to go swimming.