
The tower coming down was yet another ridiculously set up occurrence. The loud cracking and whacking we heard sounded like nothing so much as people pulling some redundant boards out of the tower to use to beef up the main, lower walls—which, as we saw, was being done just below the tower WITH WOOD.

We were supposed to recognize her? Typical. The showrunner seems to have no idea how to make minor characters memorable so that when they reappear an episode and more later we recognize them. Gimple or his continuity designee made the same blunder with the guy who gun-wrestled with Rick inside the RV. “I know, we’ll

It was quite serious, in fact. But, hey, power of boners.

Actually, Sophia was infrequently mentioned. The writers were a different batch back then, and handled this kind of thing with real intelligence. Now it’s just clumsy and stupid.

They will do exactly that, then explain his survival in flashback, I’m betting.

(And people whine about Season 2. God, that was so much better written than this.)

Yes, indeed. That’s some real “BAD WRITING” right there.

Yep. Now that was some “BAD WRITING.”

Huh. Almost seems like “BAD WRITING.”

Gee, it’s almost as if there was actual substance to the “BAD WRITING” claims.

Bad writing: Sasha and Abe apparently having this attraction based on driving crazy together that no one watching the show could have possibly thought of based on the... get this... bad writing.

Yeah, Rick is never obsessed with the next war.

Below “Dixon” in that scene, I wanted to see Abraham having written “Dixsoff.”

In addition, Abe and Sasha escape, ignore their weapons, then talk about something OTHER than Daryl? They can’t even get the basics right. Or Daryl doing stuff other than getting his crossbow up and running while in danger, because that’s the only way the writers could think to make up tension.

It has been well-established that the zombie virus will die out months after the show stops being profitable.

Spears, yes. Weights on ropes, no. They’d keep bouncing back into the wall. You wouldn’t be able to control their arc after they hit, and those corrugated metal panels (which are not steel) won’t take too many hits from a 30 pound ball.

The “but we’ve seen burned walkers before and they still move” crowd are being silly. An ordinary fire will burn a zombie’s brain soon enough, and since zombies still rely on bones and tendons and muscles, burning those will slow them down where burning doesn’t kill them (really) dead.

That’s exactly what it is—a scheduling thing. You can make 16 profitable episodes per season in the same time it would otherwise take to film 10 or 12 only by filming contemporaneously, with your cast separated.

In any case, he was behaving stupidly enough that Carl wasn’t obliged to see if Carl was going to be the next to die.

In addition, there was never the slightest hint of anything between them.