
What’s foolish is that it’s impossible for Glenn to survive without the sort of extravagant nonsense of being able to roll under a dumpster while covered in yummy steak sauce guts and blood after which the ravening horde leaves him alone.

Not to mention Carol’s incompetence. She runs around instead of going to the armory. She has a gun and watches at least three people get killed, including Smoking Woman, whom she could have saved simply by shooting her attacker. It was all utterly ridiculous, on all sides.

This is America. Being “low on ammo is not possible.”

Oh yeah? How’d that work out for you?

“Bad writing....”

Missed the part about Carol watching at least three of her fellow residents being slaughtered by people without guns while she jogs in a big circle around the armory WHILE CARRYING A GUN?

Who knows what the writers “think,” but in the “real” world, a zombie in flames is a zombie brain in flames. In addition, you’d have a jillion cars from which to siphon half gallons to half tanks of gas. Or just drive in a few truckloads of straw. —Anything like that has to be FAR FAR better than breaking thousands of

Instead of, you know, strolling through The Gate.

And yet, he put most of his shots through a 2 by 6 foot moving windshield, at an angle, firing down about 50 feet. That’s a good shot, especially for a civilian under stress.

Not to mention they’re going with the LEAST common form of domestic violence: A husband who beats his unreciprocating wife.

You had a guy in a guard tower, WITH AN AUTOMATIC WEAPON AND SNIPER SCOPE AND 360 DEGREE VIEWS, failing to actually shoot anyone until the truck showed up.


Carol wandered around with a gun, watching Wolves hack up her fellow residents. Some “badass.”

They appear to be recycling Rick’s angst from earlier seasons.

That’s because, despite your careful, sensible explanation, the writing on TWD remains awful, as does some production aspects. For example, Darryl says something important yet incomprehensible as he drives away from Sasha; not only that, they didn’t bother to loop legible dialogue back in in post. The writing is just

Well, you’re about to find out, in the dullest TWD episode in its history.

Hesitate while moving with range of a guy with a blade?

Yup. Or small, unstable groups with a charismatic leader like the pack Darryl found himself with a while back.

And yet, Carol’s behavior was no less ridiculous. She has a gun yet watches at least three murders. Then, with a Wolf about to kill Smoking Woman, instead of shooting him Carol lets him slice SW open before stabbing him in the head. Then, just in case SW’s wound wasn’t fatal, Carol kills her. Just amazingly bad

True, that. I felt the same way about Carol’s absurd behavior, and the way the entire rampage was shot. The Wolves have no guns. The town has guns. No one in the town shoots their guns for long minutes into the savagery. It was the worst writing I can recall from a major show—from any show, really—in a decade.