Well said. It's an ongoing mistake people make, equating adopting the lesser traits of the other sex with progress, or seeing taking on the more revolting prerogatives of the other sex as somehow liberating. It's just demeaning and regressive.
Well said. It's an ongoing mistake people make, equating adopting the lesser traits of the other sex with progress, or seeing taking on the more revolting prerogatives of the other sex as somehow liberating. It's just demeaning and regressive.
The show's been unwatchably awful this season. A lot depends on the characters being fundamentally sweet, even if an episode talks a long time to get to that, and that's been too often missing. It takes a lot of sweet to overcome "rectal bleeding" "jokes." These characters aren't rich enough to sustain long bursts of…
I figure if someone can adapt Finnegan's Wake and have that film be as much as a partial success, everything is up for grabs. I particularly appreciated its subtitling English in English. Talk about nearly unfilmable.
Watching "Cristela" cart her bloated frame around the screen is painful. The show has the same idiot laugh track, dead blocking, and plodding stationary camerawork as The King of Queens, and is actually less funny, a thing I would not have thought possible.
I assume you lost a bet?
Ugh. This show doesn't have the guts to go anywhere interesting, and Casey Wilson's mannish oafishness sinks it.
No, she's right. Three years later and your inept racist douchebaggery still molders on the screen.
I don't think Clooney's ever played weary, at least not well.
Vince Vaughan? I'm out.
"Why does I Love Lucy endure after all these years?"
I have no idea. It's literally never funny. Among older shows it's easy for me to see why The Honeymooners was a hit, or to appreciate how well the relationship between Rob and Laura Petrie worked in The Dick van Dyke Show towards creating comic scenes. I can even…
I got diabetes just from the music in that clip.
"Anyone in the church will be too enthralled by my monologue to take
action. Remember last week when I got Bob to listen to my entire speech
before he noticed his leg was gone? It'll be like that." "
I'm still laughing over the phrasing.
"Obviously"? With these writers? Who elected to have the trap include bringing five well-armed killers to within a few feet of an infant and a teen while also putting at least two guns behind the door and out of play?
Whoa. She's a good looking woman.
"but honestly, in the apocalypse every place is going to look very similar"
Pretty much, which is why the narrative has to keep the group getting involved with different people to keep it fresh, and to offer opportunities for new and interesting interactions.
That's the AIDs fallacy. Picking one partner at random and having sex with them 365 times is no more dangerous than having sex every night of the year with a different person.
Now that you put it that way, I'm changing my D to an F.
It really was that ridiculous.
You know how some things get better, more interesting, the more you think about them?
The Walking Dead is never like that.
Otis—farmer dude who shot Korl, and with whom Shane went to the local high school to retrieve meds for Korl, and who Shane killed.
Hmm. Good question. I like that it's less pretentious that TWD (which is only pretentious because it can no long come even close to pulling off the themes it features) and that the characters, who have grown on me, behave believably, again very unlike TWD. (Not yet glowing praise, I see.)
You're the one who deserves an "A" for effort, since it's likely you put more thought into that post than the writers did for 5.03.
actor hyphen director hyphen writer hyphen…