That made me retch a little.
That made me retch a little.
Thanks. I'll have to look that up. I'm also going to guess that even a loving restoration, since it's not by the master's hand, is somehow not enough.
Oh, you dear, sweet child.
There are no non-English films on AFIs list, and Raiders of the Lost Ark comes in 66th.
Yes indeed. When you add in all the absurd plot turns because !DRAMA!, this episode was an almost complete failure.
Your point about embracing action / adventure is a great one.
No one involved seems aware of the show's strengths with this crew of writers, which is as an action show, where the inability to write even…
Did I miss something about Rick and Co. getting back to the church, or are we just to assume they climbed back in through a window?
And… is it ever going to be mentioned on the show that Tyrese didn't kill Martin, so he's either criminally negligent in how Martin later contributed to Bob's death and put the group in…
Not sure how that explains Maggie never mentioning Beth, though, then wandering off to DC because something she said to a guy she barely knows is more important than sticking around to look for her sister.
Yep. Martin Green and Coleman have had the most credible interactions to date on a show not exactly full of them.
"And why wouldn't people follow Abraham? He's a capable person. He's
the type people are going to follow, whether or not they think Eugene's
story is legit."
Over Rick? People are going to head into DC, an extremely dangerous trip, because Abraham is charismatic? Wrt safety, you'd be safer hanging with Korl in the…
"I don't believe for a second she wouldn't at least be mourning her if she knew/thought she was dead."
Yup. It's absurd there's been no mention, never mind that of course she'd have grilled Daryl, taken Glenn with her back to that Xroads where Daryl last saw Beth, and searched from there. And now? This, "we're going…
From these writers? No, not really. Great idea, though.
I don't believe so.
Z Nation would have definitely figured out to let one of the cannibals survive for some reason and turn in a new and interesting way.
There was definitely a lot of juice between the actors.
You mean, outside in the moonlight, where we clearly saw them, rather than in the pitch dark of the church, where the Starbucks crew made it to within feet of an infant? No offense, but that was ambush by writer.
Since the gang was already in the church, it makes no sense not to simply cut them down as the bottleneck…
I wouldn't object to an A for the pilot, or 18 Miles Out, or 3.03, where Shane kills Otis (and wears his clothes at the start of the next ep for Otis' memorial).
PREcisely. Gimple should watch a few episodes of Modern Family. Not that it's the greatest show, but because it's a great lesson in how to give each member of a good-sized cast—up to 12 members, depending on how you're counting—their own stories and screen time..And it's only 22 minutes long. And everyone stays in…
"A" ? Are you effed in the 'ead?
Everything in the film regarding believability and sense was sacrificed to get to "dramatic" moments. The whole business with the church, then in the church, where you let five cannibals with weapons a door's thickness from your daughter when you could easily gun them down as they…
Citizen Kane: Kane, Sweet Kane.
Is she a bad 'un?
That's a great bullshit urban legend. It really is, though I heard the real problem was that they couldn't design a cowl to fit with the beard.