Wouldn't that would probably be Tokyo Story, or Vertigo?.
And that's directors. I don't really see it, but TS has an extraordinary reputation.
Wouldn't that would probably be Tokyo Story, or Vertigo?.
And that's directors. I don't really see it, but TS has an extraordinary reputation.
Remember, though, that the infection everyone carries is dormant, whereas being bitten by a walker (or kissed by someone bitten by a walker) both quickly kills you (by either activating the dormant component of the virus or introducing a second component—I don't believe it's ever clear) then brings you back to "life."…
Interesting… you may be right, but then the question becomes, "trust him" to do what… exactly? From the basement we saw he can't be trusted to help save lives, so I'd be concerned Gabriel would be trustworthy dead weight.
- The magical disappearing baby!
Btw, what is UP with that? I live nowhere near Hollywood but I can find a convincing animatronic baby within hours, certainly one that's filmable from five feet. I seriously think this crew is in over it's head just enough that they do in fact forget to include her in shots and forget…
Hey! Disqus ate my post!
You made me think that Rick and Michonne could really work together IF it was earned through something like an exertion-filled romp involving sweaty hiding together in small closets, bolting from marauders, and so on, ending in a safe haven where the need for release overwhelms them. They're…
Disqus' alerts are delayed. Hm. Okay—you completely nailed Rick and Michonne's reserve, so I'm going to go out on a limb and propose that one of the series most engaging episodes could be developed out of something of a supply run where Rick and Michonne find themselves deeply engaged in saving each other, relying on…
Fair enough. I definitely had my problems with Shane and Lori and the way the triangle was played, but there was an intensity to it and a depth to the three characters we just haven't seen since then. The subtleties, too, such as when Shane kills Otis then comes back to the farm, and at the memorial the next day has…
Well, well said. In fact, I'd love to see at least five minutes if they decide to fortify the church, where the camera goes from group to group of two and three that we haven't seen together before. How would Carl take working with Abraham? Shouldn't Eugene try to flirt with Tara, who can flirt with Maggie? What about…
Yeah, I'm on the fence some wrt the actor playing Gabriel. It's hard for an actor to make a coward interesting. There's only two ways they can go, really. Betray everyone, or show some guts. Gabriel also doesn't have the moral authority that Herschel had, in part from putting his own life on the line. And Dale was no…
There's definitely the opportunity for some interesting backstory there. I'm wondering it they're going to tie the car with the cross on the back window to Terminus somehow, as in the car and house owners were 'feeders' to Terminus but for someone reason held on to Beth, then all hell broke loose (as in when we saw…
Yup. It was another poor execution.
Right? People barbecuing without proper seasoning are so declasse!
Yup. Presumably she would have been brought back to Terminus during the week+ between her kidnapping and Rick arriving at Terminus.
As much as the character of Dale was tired, I miss an outspoken moralizer.
- I really liked the Sasha/Bob romance in this episode. They were kinda
fun. Unlike the absolutely played-out and chemistry-less Maggie/Glenn.
Agree. I think the show has found its equilibrium wrt ratings. They probably get they've maxed out on viewershp, and aren't going to do much to endanger that by disturbing the formula. The core looks very safe.
Yeah—the show does not do competing interests well. Is there any way Maggie, who lost her father, would not be obsessed with finding her sister?
… I didn't get that vibe. This doesn't seem at all like a situation where anyone can be forced to do anything, or who would be any good if they were forced.
I've seen rural churches often but this one seemed like it wasn't anywhere near any kind of road. They're always reachable by car and this one just seems to be in a clearing. Not a big deal but I haven't seen one in decades that didn't have a large parking lot immediately adjacent.
He'd be completely unrecognizable. This is, what, two days at most after he was beaten almost to death?