Yeah, the word "some" is a tricky sonofabitch.
Yeah, the word "some" is a tricky sonofabitch.
Hey, i once posted a dozen comments on a Star Trek thread before noticing it was five years old. Within two days I'd gotten at least four interesting replies. It's never too late.
And the movie came out well after. Your point?
Agree with that. Matthau in Charley Varrick gave hope to all of us who didn't look like matinee idols.
Thanks for the considered reply.
Thanks for the rec. I'll check it out. I'd heard of it, but for some reason thought it was a silly kids movie.
Yeah, you'd think at this point Redford'd be a little more selective. On the other hand, maybe he read the first ten minutes of script and dozed off, or he had a grandchild that five days of shooting would set for life, so what the hell do I know about what he should do with his time.
At last, a reasonable wo/man. Yes, they're idiots.
I love it, but I'm sure Stiller was no lead there. (If your definition is more broad than mine, I won't argue.) He was definitely second banana to the great Matthau. Btw, I'd recommend Charley Varrick, but I assume you've seen it multiple times.
I get that you're running for dumbest shit on the block, and if we want to organize a Hate because you said something stupid that you probably didn't mean and didn't carry nearly the implication that some frothing moron wants it to carry, you'll probably end up delighted I'm here and that I have some sense that words…
In short, it didn't say what you claimed it said.
And now, it's not saying what you're claiming it's saying.
The film reminds me of that brief, shining moment between the excision of the cancer that was Nixon and Kissinger, and the ascendance of the money sucking vampire, Reagan, and his cronies; when politics was briefly fun, and it seemed like the good guys might actually win.
How is it either?
Take your fattist hijinks elsewhere. I take the 'poor shape' to mean 'not toned.'
So it's explicit it, you just can't say where it's explicit. Damn you, Common Core!
"Him." "He." Redford.
I for one applaud the casting agency's tilting of employment opportunities to dark-skinned black women, typically the most economically disadvantaged of all ethnic groups in the US.
Are you proposing that these casting calls go out despite what movie audiences really want?
Thanks, Andrea.
That's a good point, about pre-1999 local records. My view is probably skewed a certain way since a lot of what I look at are property records, which usually go back forever. But—in small towns those sometimes aren't online at all, even last year's transactions.