Jack Strawb

Consider that even though the team is called The Washington Redskins, we'd be ill-advised to refer to a Native American as "redskin." So there's that. I believe it's also likely that the letter alone would not have done any damage to Muskie without the ginned up story that he was crying in response, similar in how far

And Nixon would have crushed McGovern regardless of the revelations about Eagleton. Interesting is the idea that Nixon's gang went after Muskie precisely in the hope of running against McGovern. I know Deep Throats mentions it in the film, but I'm less sure that it's not just his/Felt's speculation.

I'd be surprised if it was. Way too political for this sad, postmodern age.

So you're telling me I haven't lived?

Jerry Stiller? You sure about that?

In 1976 that was probably a slow zoom by hand, though some of the more inventive cameramen would come up with mechanical devices to smooth out shots like this. Love to know how it was done. I didn't see any unevenness during the shot.

Well, at least Redford went on to do Sundance instead of superhero fi… what? Damn.

Loved his sympathy, too, for Dahlberg's problem of having too much case to carry around. I know the feeling.

It's a smart way to keep things happening on screen while Woodward is getting Dahlberg on the phone. I like the way, too, that Woodward makes several speaking errors towards the end of the scene. They sound very much like what you do when something exciting is going on.

And distancing himself by appearing in public to not quite know who they are.

Given how much more air time (and channels) there is to fill, how is it that news reporting has gotten shallower?

what's the movie?

Yeah, this was nostalgia for a nonexistent time. They didn't make movies like All the President's Men in 1976, either.

in fact, it concludes on a note of defeat, immediately after they make a
huge mistake that sets back their efforts enormously. No studio
nowadays would even consider trusting the audience to know that a
movie’s heroes will be vindicated at a later date.

"and how darker women are portrayed as less desirable."

People seem to have trouble figuring out what was meant was Beyonce's skin color.

That's not what they meant.

Is it that we don't like casting notices like this, or that people have these preferences?

How can avclub, which is now getting tons of these, not have a filter that rejects posts including dollar signs and words like "hourly", "from home", and "work" ?

Andrea, please clarify. Are you objecting to people tending to find lighter-skinned women of color attractive more attractive than they do darker-skinned women, or that a casting agency is implicitly acknowledging that people tend to find lighter-skinned women of color more attractive than they do darker-skinned women?