Wow. It's difficult to imagine making something like that less interesting.
Wow. It's difficult to imagine making something like that less interesting.
"What’s your favorite song of the year so far?"
I s'pose if you take the bare bones, a criminal in need of redemption, an attractive, confused shrink he wants to get with, a strange coterie of scientists with their own agenda who control his ability to time travel, a mentally ill dude who may or may not have something to do with the spread of the epidemic, and a…
Just got done with my annual Firefly re-watch, and it's remarkable how adept Whedon is at creating situations then allowing each of up to nine characters respond, however briefly, in their own distinctive even idiosyncratic ways, consistent with or believable in light of what we've seen of them previously.
It was always the case with men, too. Men who didn't marry were portrayed as momma's boys, or effiminate (hint, hint), or sexless, or at best eccentrics devoted to a not entirely worthless hobby. RTTR's the sort who, for some reason, seems bent on finding insult to women in pretty much everything.
"Ginger & Rosa is best when it’s at its most impressionistic,
though, as in the opening montage, which tells the story of the stars’
birth and girlhood in slightly more than one minute."
We played an interesting game after and came up with a half dozen alternate titles (none of which I can remember) that worked better than Sally Potter's odd title choice. (The one that just came back to me was "& Rosa" in about half the type size as "Ginger".
Fassb was such a downer in Shame, although that was presumably more McQueen than the actor. I thought Alessandro Nivola brought the necessary slyness and self-absorption to the role of a man who could take up with his mid-teen daughter's (I don't recall it was ever made clear. I would have guessed 14 from the…
"and that the civil justice system now serves primarily to protect the wealthy and powerful from responsibility for wrongdoing"
I have a similar friend who it was bizarre to talk to about this kind of thing. He was a skilled machinist who had worked at the same company for five years and making all of nine dollars an hour. He'd go on and on about how unions ruin things for everyone.
The lawsuit makes abundant sense simply from the headline. You see everyone you can sue, especially the guys with deep pockets.
Yeah. There was never any reason before this to pay attention.
So what's up with basic cable censorship, where we're 'allowed' to see a man's butt, but not a woman's butt? Who on earth is being protected here?
It really doesn't.
Yup. I've known people who glorify that era and simply won't talk about what the Empire was doing other than building really cool things and the like.
"…for the simple fact that they're passionate about whatever made them rich and famous,…"
What happened around Holmes when he died? I thought he died in custody, no?
I came across a story on that lunatic a while ago. It's a complete WTF? situation. Springheel Jack is rank amateur. Lopez must have killed girls on the way too and from his monthly trips to the supermarket.
"-The Landry-Collettes-Lorraine road trip"