Jack Strawb

Well, it was either medical practice admin, or physician's assistant. I hear lots of great stories about them, but nearly all in my experience are unable to correctly transcribe stated symptoms, or copy down correctly a list of prescription meds.

"But far too much time is spent on McGarry and his colleagues talking to
the camera about how little they’re motivated by money or status and how
much they just want to help people. That’s laudable, but it’s not

The first few minutes manage to have Knightley and Pine meet dull, and stuffs nothing but hoary cliches into its first quarter hour: the canny old spy who's up front about working for the CIA; the physical therapist the hero begs for a dinner date; she bribes him to get him to work his therapy harder; a boring meeting

Agree with the risks part, though we know they ain't gonna, not with production costs averaging around 200m per film. Strange was fairly athletic, iirc from the mags i read when i was a kid, though knowing marvel at this point he probably has biceps like bowling balls, and a 12 pack.

Architects was one of those great hours. Demon with a Glass Hand is the other.

This is a dull procedural that doesn't know how to take a point of view. Without emphasis it follows Cage for a while, then Cusack, then Hudgens (who's surprisingly good). No scenes stand out. Cusack shows a bunch of tics for the first time under questioning. I'm getting bored just thinking about this. Skip it.

You want excitement? Find the Wheel of Time pc game. It manages to combine the best of RPG and FPS in one exciting, fast moving package.

What's campy about Tribbles? It's comedy. They're different.

"Kirk always offers to, erm, show them exactly what it means, but the discussion was that this was little short of abuse,"

"and if the situations were reversed, it's doubtful if the same scenario
would play out (for example, it would take until Star Trek V before a
woman was seen to use her sexuality in a similar fashion)."

"the series too often takes the tack of "the girl swoons at Kirk's charms
and defies her people, only to be discarded at the end of the show" "

Wasn't he simply, and credit due, reasonably using her so that his crew would not be killed?

Probably not directed by one of the alternating regulars for the second season. [checks imdb] Yup. The series signed Joe Pevney and Marc Daniels to alternate episodes through most of season two. Both were crap when it came to filming fight scenes and concealing stunt players, but the network never fussed. Guys like

True for a hefty chunk of episodes.

I heard Heinlein said something to the effect that he was not the inventor of furry pets.

"There's this freaky scene where Lars comes in to Uhura's room and they go off camera and Uhura
starts screaming; you think he's trying to rape her, and you're pretty
sure nothing happens, but it's an all-too-real moment in an otherwise
campy episode. It doesn't help that Chekov's interactions with the orange-skinned

Thought he was limited by health problems…

"he just doesn't like how "Limits" and "Thriler" don't get the same level of love that the Zone does."

The Outer Limits was largely boring. Most of the eps are torture to sit through. It contributed two great hours, though, and a half dozen interesting ones.

Say what?