Jack Strawb

They're remaking Demon? Ridiculous. Any small bump you'll get from improving the costumes gets crushed by the pointless padding to get to two hours. And it won't star Arlene Martel. What an eff up.

While we're talking about big small moments, if you ever watch it again check out Shatner's glance towards the front of the chapel in the penultimate scene in Balance of Terror. That's a man who finds no comfort there.

That kid's movie? Yeah, that was ok.

People always neglect to mention quality.

The cast also seemed to hit that five year stretch where people really do start to look older, rather than that 30 to 50 range where fit people tend to hold steady. And makeup.

Yup, I recall some general disappointment with the plot, the feeling that it was, well, stale. A reworking that wasn't really all that interesting.

Agree pretty much all around. By the time I got to DS9 it seemed very kid stuff compared to the BSG reboot. Well, not kid stuff; how about teen stuff? Which is very much what TNG felt like compared to TOS. There are almost no painful endings, the interpersonal stuff is incredibly tame, and damn, other than Stewart

This cannot be true. Frakes did nothing interesting behind the camera. The man was a plodder.

Hardly. She's not a weak character, she's an accomplished, professional woman who happens to have a weak moment. Big difference.

Actually, no.

The chances of that role going wrong and II being the last of the ST films has to be huge. Amazing that he pulled it off. Imagine other actors with his modest pedigree making good the way Montalban. He was also 62 years old and well into the eight year run of the ridiculous Fantasy Island.

That's certainly how I feel.

Interesting, as I had all but given up on Zack as a reviewer for reasons I spell out elsewhere, but here he's top-notch, entirely—I'm sure—because he's speaking directly and without irony or cuteness regarding his emotional response to the film. He also talks intelligently about the film's technical aspects (as usual)

Yeah, I did spot that, and assumed it was Zack being cutesy again. But who knows.

Not to get TOO into this, but it's perfectly clear from the movie that Carol decided not to tell her son that he had a starship captain for a father. Nice, huh?

The actress playing his wife was tolerable, and did a respectable job. His son, though? That just didn't work.

"but so many women in TOS are just sex on legs (not that there's anything wrong with that)."

And you know all this from a single episode? Your mindreading abilities fascinate me. Do go on.

I took it to mean that was her specialty, not her only area of interest.

Zack—this is a rare review of yours that isn't hopelessly saturated with oh-so-hip, pomo stylings, probably because you have actual, strong feelings about the proceedings.