Jack Strawb

Except, obviously you did, because of you went.

It's never too late to call you a moronic fuckstain.

Did killing small animals just get to be not enough for you?

From the linked article:

“But I am not legally bound not to say that I found J.J. Abrams' first Star Trek film quite inferior to the Phase II videos and his cavalier attitude towards the decades-long legacy of what Star Trek has come to mean to the general culture quite reprehensible, and indeed artistically counterproductive.”

Very smart stuff. The faux comic book look of Gamesters is top-notch. Surely, though, he could have squeezed The Babe in the Tinfoil Suit into the poster?

Given how poorly TZ made the move to an hourlong format, this seems like a really, really bad idea. A lot more fun would be three or four carefully interconnected episodes, each building on the previous one and culminating in the sort of mind blowing twist changing everything going before it that the original series

You always have an extra pair of glasses? Always work for a bank? Buy only large print books? Details!

"and how they tied into everyday life in the '50s and '60s and such."

God damn it.

How is the ending ambiguous? I thought the major turning into a doll in the snow shook all the potential out of the ending and destroyed any possible ambiguity. A great first 98% of the run time, though.

Man oh man, the best 15-20 episodes of TOS are absolutely phenomenal.

Speaking of Marvin, I'm surprised anyone doesn't think "Steel" doesn't belong in the top 20, though I suppose it's offbeat enough that it might not qualify as representative.

You actually think "ersatz" is a ten buck word? Holy shit.

Go away, Louie, and come back when you no longer think interrupting a reasonably insightful comic bit with a detailed description of the time you ejaculated on your face is funny.

In beautiful slow motion?

Hey, its only been ten months…

Think of it as minimizing time wasted on babbling imbeciles. It’s surely an upside down world when morons come to the aid of halfwits. Look, Debbie, I‘m happy to admit I have no idea why severely diminished people like yourself would grieve the exit of a commercial hack. I suppose if your life is as absurd as yours

You sound seriously mentally ill. The few people left in your life will appreciate your getting help.

You sound seriously mentally ill. The few people left in your life will appreciate your getting help.