Jack Strawb

Now, if only we could focus on the overt patriarchy throughout Dillon and of course the white male privilege. I won't hold my breath though.

“What strikes me about the Julie/Matt storyline is how, in the end, it’s a story about power: “

You sound seriously mentally ill. The few people left in your life will appreciate your getting help.

Yup. It's great stuff. FNL's at its best when it turns the camera on couples or groups and leaves it running. The playfulness between Matt and Julie once they get past the awkwardness and expectations, past what they think they're supposed to do, is lovely.

Sonia has some genuinely bizarre interpretations of male-female relationships and also of the perceptions of those relationships by others. It's not extreme to note it infects pretty much every column she write.

If you want to give it to Python, you have to give it to Duchamp et al.

You and your brown privilege.

Jesus. You don't even know you're incoherent.

And Mussolini just made the trains run on time. Jesus, people! Think!!

This one's for you, Kaser: "Please stop playing that goddamned shit. Thanks and love, The Strawberry Man."

So this was the _____ who helped pollute more and more and more stations with top 40 crap?

I wouldn't be able to begin to tell you whether it's due to Will & Grace's vomitously bad writing overall or some more sinister, directed problem.

And it's so awesome the way he repeats everything for the hard of hearing!

The availability and wealth of information provided by the internet has
made it easier and easier for kids to cut through their parents'
prejudices and bullshit.

I'm trying to imagine you think you made a point.

It really is pathetic, not to mention damaging. In the last week I've seen four tv commercials showing women assaulting men, all played for 'humor', and one of which involved a punch knocking the man twenty feet. It would have killed an actual human being. There are, of course, no comparable commercials showing

I'm sorry. Did you think this was NOT the avclub?

I'm confused. If I upvote, is it because I'm aware of the source, or because I agree with the sentiment?

Right? The average on the very strange grading curve that is the AV Club must be at least B+. An A- means "reasonably watchable, " while an A offers solid assurance that the episode is probably fairly good, though it may have serious flaws.

Give Swann's Way a chance. Pretty good YA novel for a 22 year old.