Jack Strawb

I turned off this tired piece of crap after ten minutes, when the lead and ostensible good guy threatened a child with murder in prison, cavalierly watched the poor kid piss his pants, and smirked about it as he walked away.

The website for the Goostman chatbot is probably still out there if you care to give it a whirl. Other chatbots of comparable ability are readily available. Try wikipedia under 'chatbot'.

In fact, complaining about the almost non existent 'locker-room idiocy' is vastly more frequent that the actual thing. At least here.

As I wrote above, it's a fairly realistic depiction of sex between two young, fit, attractive, fairly uninhibited women in the early stages of the relationship and when they are fiercely attracted to each other.

Hey, my post disappeared just because I used the c word.

All I can say is, if you think a ten minute sex scene is 'very long', well

Please get a life.

"especially if it involves the sexualized commodification of women's
bodies and female sexuality that so much of our 'mass culture' is
engaged in constantly."

"straight guys have that "omg but you've seen me naked!!1" reaction to fellow dudes being gay; women usually don't."

Wasn't the title of the film in French something very close to 'The Life of Adele, Chapters One and Two" ?

The author of the graphic novel whined that neither of the two leads was a lesbian, so I wouldn't put too much stock in her complaints.

Well, sure, if you take a movie like Gravity, a movie without any characters, then the best thing about it is a short running time.

Yeah. It wasn't about that.

A perfectly cromulent, perfectly conventional melodrama except for its starring two women. I really enjoyed the first bar scene, where the two women fitted themselves to each other in conversation. That was expertly scripted and beautifully acted.

"A computer has passed the Turing test, ushering in a new age of robot supremacy"

That depicted her loneliness, among other things. C'mon, it's not that difficult.

Very, very funny. Felt more like a series of sketches thematically tied together, but so what? They're terrific sketches. Bravo.

Shawshank Redemption for the tween set, if Warden Norton and Captain Hadley were troubled but kindly souls living together, and Andy and Ellis were suicidal, angst filled but ultimately good people. And Norton became pregnant, punched Hadley in the face after asking for sex, and decided to keep the baby. Which

Not bad of its kind, but the ending is weak, and the bad metal screaming over the end credits is like giving its audience the finger in a 'made ya look!' sort of way.

The film is actually worse than the review, or to put it as kindly as possible, the review is as charitable in every sense and in every case as it possibly could be. It puts the maximum gloss on everything it possibly can, then buffs to a blinding sheen.
To put it another way, sure, if you're permanently bedridden