Jack Strawb

I was dragged to this turkey. It's the sort of film that's so locked in to mediocrity that the first date between Ruffalo and Paltrow is shots of the happy couple with music over. Imagine being so effing bankrupt that not only can you not write convincing getting-to-know-you dialogue, but you have to fall back on the

So… progress in terms of self-expression, but a giant step backwards in terms of artistic appreciation?

Anyone interested in this sub-genre will probably get a lot more out of 2013's The Machine, featuring two people absolutely in the running for best looking person on the planet. Caity Lotz somehow makes Rebecca Hall look plain, a thing I would not have thought possible. It's flaws overall are probably as great as

Add to that an end to unnecessary pain, starvation, etc. It's hard to imagine, too, that if everyone has an IQ upwards of 160 that there are going to be a lot of wars.

Well, it will.

Don't worry. Her imagines the creation of an AI operating with a human level intelligence, and like the man said, human level AI will be the last thing we ever invent.

So you're saying there was a moment when he was warm, playful, affectionate? I mean, any of those three would have served. Something's definitely wrong with the man. If he can't sell a romance with Rebecca Hall, for god's sake, what is he doing pretending to be an actor?

"The approaching “singularity”—when artificial intelligence will surpass
that of humans’, and we’ll suddenly trade our days of engaging in
intellectual discourse for a life of being enslaved to glowing screens"

The gift of the half-hour episodes was they didn't sap the life out of the better episodes, and didn't make the weaker ones downright excruciating.

From imdb.com: "He is a producer and writer, known for Transformers (2007), The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) and Star Trek (2009)."

"but it's mainly Jean's sexuality"

We didn't know you sang.

…a quintessentially Coen creation: the little man prodded and tested by
fate, against whom the universe seems to be constantly, tragicomically
conspiring….. ….What separates this poor schmuck
from other Coen playthings, like Barton Fink or Larry Gopnik, is the
distinct possibility that his troubles are entirely of his

Sigh. Just a day like any other. [pouts]

Swell. The review talks about padding to get to an 83 minute running time. Jesus.

Swell. Nothing spells doom coming like "it will feature an A-List cast." You know what the problem is with an "A-List cast"? Some of them can't fucking act. Who the hell is going to see The Stand because Julia Roberts has a part in it?

Yeah, yeah. I know some rich people who believe this stuff. Being rich, they figure whatever they do must have some shot at working out.

Gotta say, I often agree with you but here I feel just the opposite.
First, the way he's holding the knife, he's very unlikely to be able to cut himself. Second, the knife is small enough that if he does hurt himself it's extremely unlikely to be severe. Third, there's huge price for someone disabled to pay if

"…what's wrong with yelling at your kids, especially at home?"

Good, because based on the first twenty five or so minutes of the first ep of the second season, the scripts won't cut it. It makes a typical American Pie entry look like the epitome of grace and taste.