Jack Strawb

Agree wrt Street. Even extraordinarily compressed, as here, his winning a plum job by dint of strength and warmth of character is eminently satisfying. Something's definitely off, though, if Tammy's been out of a job for years. With a mid-teens daughter it's not remotely clear to me how you don't have at least a part

Thanks. I'm primarily trying to place her complaint, then and later, that she had put her working life on hold for the sake of Eric's career. If she never worked, it doesn't cut much if any ice. Forgivable, of course, in a show of this quality, but it's a hole.

While I have you all here…

What was it about the journalism teacher that caused you to see him as 'ridiculously sketchy' ?

There are extremes, obviously, but to cite only one instance what Tami did to Julie after she got out of the Swede's van in front of their house was no different than what Joe McCoy did to JD in a restaurant parking lot, something Tami without too much prodding decided warranted a call to CPS

That part does sound right. Yeah, to that extent he was definitely playing the part of Suburban Golfer.

I thought the reception the wheelchair bound former hs star athlete received at the dealership after he was hired was hilarious. 'You mean, Buddy didn't tell you about the point system?'

Wasn't their dad until recently living out of a motel with a woman who looked like a bar waitress or the like? I didn't get an upper middle class vibe at all from him. I don't recall him driving a good car, or having other than a one bedroom apartment. (He had to put Tim on the couch, iirc.)

Not so sure Street's arc ended as preposterously as you suggest. Granted, his success was compressed, but if a guy with his drawbacks is going to make it, it's going to be through his way of dealing intensely and meaningfully one on one. And that's just what he did here, both with the agent, and with the player.

I think a five year series dealing with small town Texas football HAD to deal with steroids at some point. It's as ubiquitous as sex, after all, especially prior to the insanity of mandatory drug testing for high school athletes.

This mystifies me.

Well, Julie does have an abusive, controlling mother, which goes some way towards explaining why she might act out sexually. After all, getting punched in the face by your mom for not immediately hopping out of the van of the boy who brought you home a little late isn't likely to teach you to be relaxed and peaceably

I think that was the point at which she put her panties in his locker and Jess called her on it.

His 'that's my line' was great.


Danny McBride::Comedian
Lenny Dykstra::Investment Counselor

"an old white guy who said a very predictable old white guy thing on tape"

Anna Paquin needs acting lessons. She was much better as a kid than she is now. Hard to say what happened. I wonder if all that approval so early left her with the feeling that as is she was just peachy?

Wait, isn't 'the attention span of a gnat' kind of a prerequisite for a career even part time of writing about pop culture?

And now we have disputes over whether women can indeed rape men (they can, for the unenlightened), claims that domestic violence is primarily a male problem (women assault men in roughly equal numbers), and arguments regarding rape culture (there is rape culture in the U.S.—it exists in men's prisons).