Jack Strawb

"If I had any nitpicks for this episode, it would be that Picard's
threat to go public with his conclusions if Wesley stayed silent makes
Wesley's choice a little less than a choice."

Because it's shit?

It counts towards you being a child of Satan.

"The Glee cast now has more Billboard 100 songs than The Beatles."

Yup. The idea that it's impossible to scan the surface for radiation from orbit is ludicrous. It's the sort of thing you have to at least try to explain, otherwise you're left with a gigantic hole in your plot. Do that on a few dozen occasions and you're left with ludicrous scripts.

What's actually worse than all of that is there's no attempt whatever to explain things such as how upwards of 90 kids go a day plus without any food whatever, and why the prospect of that would cause only six of them to head towards the only known source of food. Even delinquents understand that no food=hunger then

"…but in between all of that, Rothenberg and company are sneaking in a
surprisingly sophisticated look at a world filled with want."

That is very, very well put. If you're still around, what do you think about Continuum?

Heh. You know, i didn't see it in it's original run but caught it on DVD, and I suppose some of my resentment had to do with the genuine promise shown in an admittedly rocky first season. Not far into the second season, though, there began a run that played like the absolute worst of the original series all smooshed

Dear god. I suppose I have to take a look now, but I may not be able to forgive you.

And of that small crowd Shran wasn't really a regular. I'm not even sure about Bakula. He's a pleasant personality, but I never got lost in any of his performances the way I have at least occasionally with every other actor playing a Star Trek captain.*** I agree absolutely wrt John Billingsley. His Dr. Phlox was

Fringe should be right in my wheelhouse, but I always drift off after a few episodes, especially after the second season. I think it was an ongoing problem of pacing. I've noticed the writers seem to have the assignment of doling out two or three plot gems per episode, and the rest of the episodes end up as plodding

Not having seen her in anything else I don't know if I agree, but I will say wrt Enterprise she was given terrible direction. If you watch Star Trek, the original series, Spock was hardly the stone face that Jolene Blalock played. He often expressed wry amusement and certainly expressed amusement and fascination

Did anyone mention the jump of around six months between the end of season two and the beginning of season three of The Walking Dead? Lousy show, good jump, smartly communicating the group's fatigue and desperation but also the way it had learned to work together.

Jesus. Shoving a little Klingon kid into a series already clearly aimed at teens was grotesque. Was there ever an episode featuring Lwaxana and Alexander?
That would have been instant ShitTV history right there.

Oh man, whoever cast Enterprise had zero imagination. And they never, ever figured out that Connor Trineer is not an actor. They just kept shoving the poor guy out there and giving him storylines just as if he was a real boy.

It's too bad. Noah Wylie's not an asset, and the most of the cast seemed to have been chosen specifically for their blandness, but it should work better than it does. The bones are pretty solid, after all.

Unnnh, once in a while it's all too obvious they're sacrificing consistency of character for the sake of getting some comedy in.

I thought her line delivery, sweet but gently mocking, was superb.

Thanks for the link.