Jack Strawb

You're a Sentinel, aren't you.

You didn't know that Herc was the quad rugby air quote Rookie of the Year. Of course his friends call him "RoY. "

At that point in the series Tami was a little too violence prone and too prone for shrieking overreaction for us not to assume the show could well be going in a direction with her not unlike the direction it went with JD and his parents after his father smacked him in the parking lot for winning a game 'the wrong way.'

I hadn't noticed who reviewed the ep and after a paragraph or two opened up the comments, but as soon as I read your comment it was obvious it was Sonia's knee that was jerking.

" Saracen, Riggins, and Smash are all fatherles"

"Riggins is all about gratifying his appetites, childlike, but often has
an innocuousness that lets him get away with it, on the show and with

"You left off the best part of that sentence in that Coach follows it up
with a "Is that why? I'm not so sure I can remember anymore." "

"It amuses me how often Coach Taylor, like many dads, seems to be on a different planet entirely from the girls."

I've watched about 3/4 of the DS9 episodes. You're right, that DS9's Federation and Starfleet are very much the kinds of organizations Whedon would be able to do something with without reaming, as it were, the canon.

It does, doesn't it? A hard rain would drown out all the subtle cues the early comics (the only ones I've read, to be honest) tell me are essential to DDs being able to locate objects and enemies. I only watched the movie once, but iirc the rain DD used to 'see' Elektra's face wasn't very heavy. So maybe that's the

Hell, maybe in twenty years we'll discover he scripted Star Trek Into Darkness. What I recall of the little of that drek I wasn't able to have surgically removed involved some insanity where Starfleet built a superduper killer starship.

Thanks. It's been a couple of decades since I saw the comics. That could work, especially if they get the lines moving in order to represent what Matt's focusing on at any given moment. What did you think of the otherwise execrable Affleck film's use of rain to show objects? A version of that could make for some

Well, dunno if I'm talking at cross purposes, but Whedon couldn't go that route with Star Trek. There was never even a hint that Starfleet was flawed beyond what any well run, well intended, successfully utopian organization could possibly be in a century where the worst of human nature has been successfully overcome,

Hey, no one made Palicki sign up for Robot Chicken, that ridiculous horror in the desert movie, Legion, Elektra Luxx, Wonder Woman, Red Dawn, GI Joe…

I'd like to see The Canon Wars, where competing corporations kill off each others characters.

I've been amazed lately by some of the short films available on YouTube, where small groups with very limited budgets have put together some jawdropping CGI. Iirc Gareth Edwards did the CGI for Monsters on his laptop. It may be that over the last few years the right effects for DD's senses have come within range of

You, my friend, make a very salient point. I knew while i was writing it wasn't a perfect fit but couldn't quite put my finger on it. That might indeed be it.

What a shame Whedon wasn't handed the reins to Star Trek. That would have been something.

Thanks for the info.

I can't be the only one who wants to smack that greedy, potty-mouthed little face, can I?