Jack Strawb

I don't want to live in a world presided over by a god who lets Audrey Tattou get old.

Agreed. 'Tragic', like 'classical', has had its meaning perverted, especially since the Classics disappeared from curricula.

There's a lot that doesn't work on the site, including the melodramatic annotations that struggle to reach a high school level.

Yeah. Pity, eh?

This isn't surprising, is it? Pleasant, unchallenging mediocrity is what most television aims for, no?

I think your issue may be more with the OP than me, since I didn't extol those characteristics you seem to be imputing to me. I thought Jenny's was a great post, but note too that she wrote only "Don is not a tragic character, He's rich, handsome, and talented," whereas it's you and only you, here, who are claiming

This sort of thing is going to get worse and worse on a variety of fronts. The recent exhumation of poor Audrey Hepburn's digitized corpse to sell some shit or other will continue. And once 'expert' writing programs advance a little more, 'new' work by dead writers may even be the norm, where software generates new

Yeah. Rich guys are notorious for laying back and saying, "You all go ahead. Have fun. I've got mine."

"…are always paragons of strength, virtue,…"

I suppose it valuation includes future earnings calculated out some number of years, among other things.

"Don is not a tragic character,"

Thanks for the link.

Good point. After the reviews I read I thought their exchanges were going to be a major focus of the film. It was a blunder by Scorsese not to recognize how good they were during filming and expand their scenes together and increase the number of those scenes.

Stern? So he did end up in hell after all. Seems fair.


You got me curious about Hamlin's career, and I admit to being startled by parts of his imdb bio:

Seriously. The lack of incorporation of anything resembling spiritual or philosophical principles in Don's life isn't remediated by the guy occasionally attempting to recuperate his almost complete and stumbling bankruptcy by tottering into a theater showing foreign films. In fact, it's fundamentally impossible to

Episodes and times, please. Thanks.

Ah—fair enough. It does request I sign up for more info about the site in question, but yes, if what you want is the URL, the + sign gives you that.

I'd like to live in a world where Tarantino is acknowledged as the interesting but truly minor filmmaker he surely is.