Jack Strawb

Yeah, it's either an unfortunate choice of an actor, or an unfortunate choice regarding the direction of an actor. When I recognized him I thought, "Harry Hamlin? What's Weiner thinking?"

Yeah, it's a useful narrative reminder that she's going to be dealing with Betty for a very long time. Very good point about the difference between the boys. I imagine Sally's arc over the last episodes are going to be about the push pull, which direction she goes in, and whether she demonstrates enough self-awareness

Don's a dreamer? Heh. Certainly not in any meaningful sense. He never acts on it. When's the last time we've seen him do anything interesting? When's the last time the camera troubled to show him reading a book, looking through a telescope, wandering in a field, even doodling butterflies, for crying out loud?

Pretty much no one assumed that.

It was considered dangerous at the time, certainly, but hardly a sure ticket to the boneyard. Remember that Apollo 1 training ended in the deaths of three astronauts. The dangers and difficulty are why two Apollo missions orbited the moon in preparation and didn't land. It's an extraordinarily complex undertaking. No

Nice trick, but it involves signing up for an unknown website. Can you + the +?

Interesting to see what other people have to say. I saw things very differently. Don let himself be turned into little more than a dog. He couldn't hold on to his job or his dignity or his wife or his principles. The woman he helped greatly has kept her foot on his neck and his face in shit. The woman he encouraged

After about thirty seconds I liked it a lot, probably more for Weiner's chutzpah than for any other reason. Certainly the choreography and costuming weren't anything at all special. It may just be that he'd recently seen the movie Easy A and decided to include a musical number, for no apparent reason.

Psychologists everywhere would like a word with you.

Yup. I can build a workable car for about a grand, and it would do everything I need a car to do these days. I'd also get arrested in short order despite the vehicle being safe for everyone else.

"But I have a problem with vast games like Watch Dogs: I get too
excited about them and burn myself out. I love poking around in an open
world to see how deeply the detail goes. Side quests? I love those, too.
The more superfluous, the better."

It's all about story for me.

I thought more 'Ringo when he and Barbara were overdoing it a bit', but, yeah, along those lines.

I thought much more along opposite lines. The stale shooting, unevocative lighting, and unimpressive line readings made me think 'sitcom.'

Sally may have absorbed an unfortunate suggestion from her mother's marriage to Don: Don't get involved with men you can't control.

Where did you see menace? I didn't get that sense from the number. Whimsy and WTF, yes, absolutely.

I'm pretty sure it was an episode of Twilight Zone.

Distractingly poor fx on the undernourished plane scene.
Harry Hamlin was always a mistake. He was never other than a hair actor. What’s he doing on a show with aims above cranking out the next ep? He seems so paralyzed by the problems of acting that he pitches every single line identically. Damn, but Allen Havey's

The biggest problem with a CGI Thing is that Thing does a whole lot of ordinary stuff, as much as any other member of the FF. It can work, but it doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun, playing to endless green screens, and air.

I don't think your middle aged and older cast works well for the FF. Kate Mara's much closer to the right age range for Sue, and has the body for those skintight suits, a not unimportant consideration. Jordan works as Johnny in that regard, but as the jocular kid? Jordan may have a little too much gravity to play the