Jack Strawb

Damn right. Remember when Mags came blistering out of the woods on horseback, rescued Andrea from almost certain death by clubbing a walker, then taking Lori back to the farmhouse in 2.1? Or when she barred Andrea from the farmhouse not long after 2.7? That was a woman.

You're entirely right about Daryl taking issue with Bob's pursuit of alcohol and how—iirc—that made it seem like he was even thinking of giving Bob the boot.

"Just as abruptly as it ended, Nymphomaniac begins anew, thrusting audiences back into the de-eroticized erotic exploits of its heroine."


Many of those, though, are good not great films, and the inclusion of more than a few is just silly. Most of them are also good within the very narrow range of what the larger Hollywood studios put out, and nearly all are in English. It's a very, very parochial list. To Kill a Mockingbird was it's generations

Seriously, though, Sofia Coppola was probably down around 15th on the list of III's problems.

I can't wait to see what imdb considers 'building a reputation'.

Major points if you've heard of Tokyo Story, never mind seen it.

I guess a world where Shawshank Redemption is the highest rated film of all time is better than a world where Cannibal Holocaust is the highest rated film of all time. Sort of.

Hating it would be foolish. It's one of the few movies in years where the dialogue has any real zip.

Sure. Why not? It can't be worse than Green Lantern.

But… what's the endgame for Mad Men? Don in an old age home? What's the endgame for Breaking Bad? A camera that might be Walt's soul rising above his dying body? (Wait—that could work.)

The obvious problem is that the same crew of producers now screwing up a promising premise will also be driving the new show into the ground. Too bad they didn't see fit to hand it off to smarter, faster, sleeker bunch to get it rolling.

A decade ago I would have bet a lot of coin that by now weak AI would have gotten us at least to the point where it'd make for serviceable variations in npc dialogue.

I missed the appeal of the original Thief. The stealth gameplay was brutally bad. If that's not working and is not consistent, what's the point? It was like a shooter where the gun jams half the time.

Still, after Leon it seemed perfectly possible she might turn out to be a terrific adult actor. If you have to peak at age 12, though, I guess that's not too bad a place to peak.

It's inconceivable that among Joe's gang 50% of the conversation isn't fart jokes, 30% isn't on the order of what they would have liked to do to such and such zombie when she was still alive, 15% isn't knocking your compadres for their willingness to, ahem, date, the more decomposed lady walkers, and the last 5% isn't

That made me laugh so hard I was sure I was hurting something.

To tell the truth, I was so startled by where it seemed they were going that it wasn't until I watched it again that I realized how lacking in credibility the ep was.

Natalie Portman—the Ultimate Hair Actress.